Gunny’s Rules: How to Get Squared Away Like a Marine, by R. Lee Ermey

515miw5q3l__sx408_bo1204203200_Okay, I was out in my hunting shack when I finished reading Gunny’s Rules: How to Get Squared Away Like a Marine, by R. Lee Ermey.

I have mixed feelings about this book. I thought the writing was good. I agree with much of what he said,. Some of it was what I had been thinking all along, even some of the practices he suggests are things I had already been doing.

Other things he said gave me ideas on how to improve myself. But there were also things that I strongly disagree with and his attitude toward certain people rubbed me the wrong way. I saw holes in a couple of his arguments too.

So, I guess if you read this book, some things might be useful to you, other things might not be.