…And the Cradle will Rock

I continue to be annoyed with older people shitting on the younger generations. I see plenty of honest, hard-working younger people and plenty of dishonest, scheming older people. No generation is better than another. All have their good and bad people.


The landscape timbers that bordered the flowerbed were rotting and falling apart. My mom and dad have had about 600 of these bricks lying in weeds, long forgotten. Yesterday, my dad and I brought a hundred of them to my house and this is what I did today.

The hardest part was pulling up the old timbers. They were nailed down with two-foot spikes. I will probably be making some adjustments to the brick wall. For one thing, I want to get some more of that Black Landscape Fabric to put under the wall, in hopes of preventing weeds from growing between the bricks.

I’ll be doing the same thing on the other side of the porch and down the side of the house. As soon as I can get more bricks from Mom and Dad’s.

Now I’m going to watch “That Thing You Do”. It’s one of my go-to movies, for when I just want to relax and watch something.

Slow Day

Despite having a very late start and being pretty distracted all day, I got through my task list just before 10 PM.

Tigers are beating the Rangers. 3-0, bottom of the 7th. But I don’t think I’m going to sit through the rest of the game. I’m tired and want to go to bed.


Dad and I went to Menards and I got mulch for to side flowerbed. Probably going to need a few more bags, though. This is rubber mulch. I wish rubber mulch wasn’t so much more expensive than wood mulch.

I will be replacing the landscape timbers pretty soon.

Home Depot Vs Menards

To have eight bags of mulch delivered from Menards, I would have to pay $111.00 for shipping.

To have eight bags of mulch delivered from Home Depot, I would have to pay $35.00 for shipping.

Home Depot, I suppose that’s not a bad shipping price for a heavy load.

Menards. what the hell is wrong with you?


I went to bed at 6 AM and get up at 9 AM and spent the entire day running laps around the house and yard. Mowed and weedwhacked the front yard, was on the ladder clearing another rain gutter, and did some house cleaning.

Was up all night putting together a submission for Breath & Shadow. I didn’t want to go to bed until I got it done and I sent to the editor.

I ordered a couple pairs of safety glasses, and they arrived today, but not before I finished weedwhacking.


Just finished weed-whacking. Whacker threw a stone that hit me in the eye. (My eye is fine. Don’t panic.) Got all the yardwork done, until next weekend.

Tigers let the Yankees sweep them. They “might” have turned it around if the last inning wasn’t cancelled due to rain.

Good Day

This was a very good day. I was pretty tired all day, but I feel real good. I got every done at around 7, then sat on the porch for a while. Think I’m gonna go to bed soon.