I had a lot of unproductive days in the last week or so. I finished another short story today, 6,530 words and 30 pages. I already started the next story.
I’m watching my first baseball game of the year. College teams, Florida A&M Vs Alabama State.
Rooting for Alabama State.
Baseball season is here again.
Michigan just beat Ohio State. 5-3.
I’m hearing the MLB season is going to be delayed again, due to lock out.
I’m not happy that Verlander decided to sign another contract with the Astros instead of coming back to Detroit like Miggy asked.

Michigan beat Michigan State, 7-3.
So, what you doing for the Super Bowl tomorrow?
I’ll be at my mom and dad’s. I feel like I’m looking forward to the halftime show more than the game. It’ll be the first time in history that deaf performers are part of the Super Bowl halftime show.
I dig that. I dig that a lot.
Had some trouble opening the door. I shoveled the porch and sidewalk. Was about to shovel the driveway, but a neighbor rolled up on an ATV that has a plow on it. He offered to plow the driveway for me.