Stopping at 11 PM

I’m calling it in earlier today. I’m trying to start getting up early in the morning, instead of being up all night. Haven’t been having much luck with that, but I’m trying.

Novel 6
Words Added: 460
Total Wordcount: 99,707
Total Pagecount: 491

Story 45
Words Added: 448
Total Wordcount: 2,261
Total Pagecount: 11

Moving Forward in Twos

I did get a few pages into each project yesterday, but I didn’t log it. So, this is covering yesterday’s and today’s writing.

Novel 6
Words Added: 798
Total Wordcount: 99,247
Total Pagecount: 489

Story 45
Words Added: 733
Total Wordcount: 1,813
Total Pagecount: 9

Creepy Late Night

I was up till 7:45 AM last night. The new story is a ghost story and I guess it’s coming out well, because it’s creeping me out as I write it.

I’ve been stopping production to watch the Tigers, and then get back to work as soon as the game is over. My desired minimum is still five pages into the novel and five pages into the story, and there’s a number of other things on the task list that I want done each day before I call it a night.

Depending on how focused I am on a given day, it can indeed take me into the late morning hours. Last night, I was so fucking tired when I completed that last page, I immediately shut my computer down and went straight to bed.

The Tigers and Yankees are on now. It’s still Spring Training. The Tigers’ regular season starts April 8.

Novel 6
Words Added: 953
Total Wordcount: 98,449
Total Pagecount: 485

Story 45
Words Added: 1,080
Total Wordcount: 1,080
Total Pagecount: 6

Back in the Slammer

I’m in Facebook jail again, for posting this:

I swear to God, this system they have on Facebook is dumb as fuck. Last time, I was locked up for suggesting the court of law should give the death sentence to people who commit treason. This time, it’s for expressing my anger.

Both times, they called it incitement of violence. If they bothered to look at the entire context of these posts, they might see how stupid their system is. But they don’t do that. They take little remarks out of context and lock your ass up, giving you no opportunity to clarify what you meant.

While in lockup, I can’t post or comment on Facebook. I can only read other people’s posts and use the messenger. I should be out in a couple days, but I expect my account will have some restrictions for a while, just so they can make sure I’m properly punished for my offenses.

Anyway, I got in a little more writing last night. The current scores:

Novel 6
Words Added: 305
Total Wordcount: 96,549
Total Pagecount: 475

Story 44
Words Added: 319
Total Wordcount: 998
Total Pagecount: 6

Fell Short Last Night Too

Got in a little bit last yesterday. Was much distraction and I ended up having to throw in the towel. The good news is, I got up early today.

Last night’s score. I’m confused on how I got 721 words into the novel yesterday. It’s gotta be a miscalculation, but I did the math over and over again, subtracting the previously posted wordcount from the current wordcount, and it keeps coming out at 721.

Novel 6
Words Added: 721
Total Wordcount: 96,244
Total Pagecount: 474

Story 44
Words Added: 29
Total Wordcount: 669
Total Pagecount: 4


Not an All-nighter

I didn’t get in any writing yesterday. Today, I thought I’d stay up as late as I had to in order to get my desired minimum of five pages into the novel and five pages into the story. But dude, I’m dead in my chair and production has been slow today, so I’m calling it a night at 2:17 AM.

Novel 6
Words Added: 472
Total Wordcount: 95,523
Total Pagecount: 473

Story 44
Words Added: 259
Total Wordcount: 640
Total Pagecount: 4

Well, Shit

My production was brought to a screeching halt yesterday, because of some bullshit I’m too lazy to go into details about. Nothing personal. Just computer shit fucking up. I didn’t get it resolved until late this afternoon.

So, yesterday’s production was much lower than it might have been. This is yesterday’s score:

Novel 6
Words Added: 394
Total Wordcount: 95,523
Total Pagecount: 471

Story 44
Words Added: 263
Total Wordcount: 381
Total Pagecount: 3

There might or might not be a score to report for today, because I’m already tired out.