Oh man, what a day

While, legally, it is the second day of the new year, being 2:37 AM and all. For me, it still counts as the first day, because I haven’t gone to bed yet. And I still have a couple more tasks to complete before I can call it a night.

I’ve been busy today. Did five pages on a short story and ten pages on the novel, as well as all the chores on the list.

I made a few adjustments to my daily checklist on December 31 and I decided that would be it. There would be no changes made to the checklist once the new year started, That’s the rule I made for myself. I will keep the checklist the same all through 2017, no matter how frustrating it might eventually become.

Another rule I made for myself is, I can’t go to bed until every task on the list has been checked off. I’m going to do my damnedest to stick to that.

Hopefully, tomorrow, I’ll have everything done earlier.

Okay, now I can check  off “Blog”.