My new shelves were just delivered. Going to start putting them together now.

I bought the first season of the Sopranos on Amazon today. Just watched Episode 1. I had watched the Sopranos every week when the show was on HBO, but I must have missed Episode 1 because I didn’t remember it.
1) Americans love Trump for the same reason Germans loved Hitler.
2) Trump is preaching hate.
3) I used to have too much stuff, but then I saw Jason’s apartment in the Bourne Identity and thought I should live like that.
4) This is all so fucked.
I planted these flowers last year. I did not know they come up on their own this year. They’re not as full as they were last year, but it’s still nice to have them. I decided I’m not going to plant any new flowers this year, because it’s already August.
This is Rob Darnell reporting that the employees at the auto part stores are Unmasked. I repeat, the employees at the auto part stores are Unmasked.
Save yourselves!
I’ve developed a headache mowing the front lawn. This heat is fucked up. Yes, I’m drinking water.
Back in January, I had brief email contact with Father Mike, the pastor who oversaw my aunt Barb’s celebratory mass at the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Lake Orion. One of the things I expressed to him was my thoughts about becoming Catholic. Father Mike told me simply, “When you’re ready, let me know.”
I really liked that. “When you’re ready.” No pressure whatsoever. I’ve since found out that it is commonly said at Catholic churches to people who are thinking about becoming Catholic.
I don’t know if I’ll ever commit to it, but I’ve thought about becoming Catholic for quite a few years now. There are times when I talk about it and people don’t understand why it has to be the Catholic Church.
I’ve tried explaining why I have no interest in other churches or branches of Christianity. I’ll either be Catholic or I’ll be nothing religiously. But I don’t really have much of an explanation. All I know is I feel at home in Catholic churches. I don’t feel at home in other churches.
Earlier today, I looked out the window and I saw this by the driveway. I couldn’t tell what it was. It wasn’t moving, and after several minutes I decided it was nothing, maybe just a piece of a tree. But five minutes later, I was back at the window and the thing was gone. So, it was a living creature.
My vision sucks, so I took the picture to try to see it better. Of course there’s always a fucking screen in my way to make my pictures less clear. I should’ve stepped out to get a better picture, but I didn’t think to.
What the hell could that possibly be? It looks like a big lizard to me, but I’m fairly certain we don’t have lizards like that in Michigan.
The Tigers just won again. They swept the Pirates. They play the White Sox tomorrow.
NASCAR is on now. They’re racing in Michigan today.
Tigers win. 11-5.
Pittsburgh’s players, Gregory Polanco and Phillip Evans, crashed nto each other while running to catch the ball. Evens was seriously hurt. I don’t recall ever seeing an injury like that in baseball. That was more like what you often see in football. Dozens of medics gathered around Evans for about twenty minutes. They eventually loaded him onto a gurney and put him in an ambulance.
Polanco seemed to be taking it pretty hard. I’m not sure, but he may have come out of the game after that. I didn’t see him through the rest of the game.