Slow Day

Despite having a very late start and being pretty distracted all day, I got through my task list just before 10 PM.

Tigers are beating the Rangers. 3-0, bottom of the 7th. But I don’t think I’m going to sit through the rest of the game. I’m tired and want to go to bed.


Dad and I went to Menards and I got mulch for to side flowerbed. Probably going to need a few more bags, though. This is rubber mulch. I wish rubber mulch wasn’t so much more expensive than wood mulch.

I will be replacing the landscape timbers pretty soon.

Home Depot Vs Menards

To have eight bags of mulch delivered from Menards, I would have to pay $111.00 for shipping.

To have eight bags of mulch delivered from Home Depot, I would have to pay $35.00 for shipping.

Home Depot, I suppose that’s not a bad shipping price for a heavy load.

Menards. what the hell is wrong with you?


I went to bed at 6 AM and get up at 9 AM and spent the entire day running laps around the house and yard. Mowed and weedwhacked the front yard, was on the ladder clearing another rain gutter, and did some house cleaning.

Was up all night putting together a submission for Breath & Shadow. I didn’t want to go to bed until I got it done and I sent to the editor.

I ordered a couple pairs of safety glasses, and they arrived today, but not before I finished weedwhacking.

There’s No Justice for the Deaf

Almost a year ago, I called my credit card company to try resolving an issue I was having. After my credit card company hung up on me, the Relay flagged me for fraudulent activity and had me banned from using the relay service.

I filed a discrimination complaint against the relay service. The relay service finally responded eight months later. In their response, they admitted that they shared judgments about me with my credit card company and advised my credit card company to hang up.

I gave the government investigator a lot of information and evidence that show how the relay service was committing acts of discrimination against the Deaf community. Two months later, the investigator tells me the relay service did not commit any acts of discrimination because I was not treated differently than others who use “relay services”.

The issue isn’t whether I was treated differently from other Relay users, the issue is whether I was treated differently from hearing people who do not need to use a relay service. I clearly was treated differently than a hearing person would have been treated.

Hearing people do not need a Relay between them and their credit card company, who can advice the credit card company to hang up. Deaf people need a Relay between them and their credit card company, and if the Relay advices the credit card company to hang up, how is that not discrimination?

Those of us in the Deaf community believe that relay services are there to accommodate us, that relay operators do not make judgments about us, that their sole purpose is to make it possible for us to communicate over the phone.

The government’s Department of Civil Rights just demonstrated to me how the system continues to fail the Deaf community.

I’m feeling a lot of anger toward hearing people right now.


Just finished weed-whacking. Whacker threw a stone that hit me in the eye. (My eye is fine. Don’t panic.) Got all the yardwork done, until next weekend.

Tigers let the Yankees sweep them. They “might” have turned it around if the last inning wasn’t cancelled due to rain.

Hear Us

The struggles of PoC, the LGBTQ+ community, women, the Deaf community, People with Disabilities, etc, should all be acknowledged together and the fight for civil rights, inclusion, justice, equality, for all should be happening now. None should be waiting for their turn. All should be in this fight together, working together to make the changes. All need to be heard.