I have seen the movies. I especially like the newer movie. I wasn’t crazy about the older movie. And now I’ve read the book. What a fine story it is. The characters were believable, and I liked the dialogs.
True Grit, by Charles Portis, is a western. Mattie Ross wants justice for the murder of her father and she hires Rooster Cogburn to help find the murderer, Tom Chaney. They are joined by Laboeuf the Texan and become a posse of three.
Don’t forget that the Deaf and People with Disabilities matter. Too often, People with Disabilities are left behind. We’re not even thought of. We’re very often the first people hurt by fascist governments, and no one knows it.
I expect that the Trump regime will mean books like Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl will disappear from American libraries, schools and bookstores. But MAGA morons are okay with that. They want to rewrite history and live in denial of what they voted for. I’m disgusted with the people in my life who voted for Trump, again, for selfish, ignorant reasons.
Anne Frank was 13 when she went into hiding with her family and four other people. It was eight people in small rooms, hidden behind a bookcase in a factory. They called their hiding place The Secret Annex and they survived there for two years, unable to go outside, even for a minute, because the risk of being seen and captured was extremely high.
(While I’m writing my review here, about to start the next paragraph, my brother sent me this: “Demonstrators wave Nazi flags outside local theater performance of ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ in Michigan”. That was last night, in Michigan, where I’ve lived all my life. They shouted “Heil Hitler! Heil Trump!” MAGA morons, this is what you voted for, and you know it.)
They had to hide simply because they were Jewish. I think most people know that the Gestapo eventually found them. All eight of the Secret Annex residents were sent to concentration camps, where everyone except Anne’s father, Otto, died.
I thought I would have a better review, one with better flow, but I’m too angry. Nazi Germany happened because people supported Hitler for all the same reasons people are supporting Trump.
I grew up in a family of musicians and music has always been very important to me. I love playing my guitars. I play them constantly. I’m practically addicted to playing my guitars. But I wouldn’t say I’m a good musician. I’m a terrible musician, but I still consider myself to be a musician.
I’m not a chordsmith, I’m a strumoholic. I’m not tone-deaf, I’m deaf. I was born deaf and I went to a school for the Deaf. I don’t change my strings until I break them. For sport, I like to see how long my strings can withstand my habit of smacking them as hard as I can with the pick.
When I play, my guitar is probably way out of tune. I do use electric tuners, but even with those, hearing musicians that I know have told me my guitar is still out of tune. I just do the best I can with the tuners, but if my guitar is out of tune, so be it. It ain’t gonna stop me from playin’.
I don’t switch chords much. I’ll often hold one chord through the entire performance, but switch between strumming high strings and low strings. I pretty much only play my own stuff. I strum hard and fast, my favorite guitar has many scratches because of this.
I love all kinds of music. Some of you are amazing musicians. I’ll never be as good as you, but I’m okay with that.
Rock n Roll. 🤘
I continue to be annoyed with older people shitting on the younger generations. I see plenty of honest, hard-working younger people and plenty of dishonest, scheming older people. No generation is better than another. All have their good and bad people.
The landscape timbers that bordered the flowerbed were rotting and falling apart. My mom and dad have had about 600 of these bricks lying in weeds, long forgotten. Yesterday, my dad and I brought a hundred of them to my house and this is what I did today.
The hardest part was pulling up the old timbers. They were nailed down with two-foot spikes. I will probably be making some adjustments to the brick wall. For one thing, I want to get some more of that Black Landscape Fabric to put under the wall, in hopes of preventing weeds from growing between the bricks.
I’ll be doing the same thing on the other side of the porch and down the side of the house. As soon as I can get more bricks from Mom and Dad’s.
Now I’m going to watch “That Thing You Do”. It’s one of my go-to movies, for when I just want to relax and watch something.