Because I Want A Title

It was evening by the time I got gas for my mower yesterday and I was burned out. So, I thought I would finish the lawn today. No can do. It was sunny and dry yesterday, but today it’s raining like a bitch.

The Farmall clock is what I got my dad for his birthday, which was Sunday. The clock didn’t arrive until Tuesday and I gave it to him yesterday.

Yesterday, my dad and I measured to see how much I’ll need to get my patio back to it’s old size. So, hopefully we’ll be doing that soon. I’ve been wanting the patio back since I bought the house. The patio will be the first project I do on my property. I don’t want to do anything else until I get my patio back.

It’s really cool owning this joint now. There are a bunch of things I can do that I couldn’t do when I was the tenant. I have several ideas in mind. One idea is, I want to build a bar into this wall in my kitchen and have stools there, and get that little table out. I think it would make my kitchen roomier.
Someday, I might expand the kitchen and bathroom. I’ve had some thought about building a garage. And so on.
People have told me that homeownership isn’t all that great and renting is easier. I disagree. Homeownership is wonderful.