Masks On

Well, I was going to Kroger today, but then I thought better of it. New regulations, if I’m understanding correctly, now require that you follow arrows while shopping at the big stores. You have to go down each aisle, whether the aisle has anything you need or not, That, as I’m hearing, makes for very slow movement through the stores.
So, I decided to instead place an order for curbside pickup from Kroger. The earliest I could schedule it for was May 2nd, 4PM to 5PM. That’ll be a big order, but I still wanted to get a few things today. Pop, chips and cheese. I decided to invade Dollar General for that stuff.
It’s now law in Michigan that we wear masks when shopping. So, my dad brought me this mask that my aunt Bette made. This design suits me well, given that I’m a total songbird. This was my first time shopping with a mask.
Last time I was at Kroger was a few weeks ago. It really creeped me out how they were spraying down all the carts after used. So many people were wearing masks. It was just a creepy experience. It drove home the sense that something is very wrong. It made me think of Chernobyl, the 1986 Ukrainian nuclear disaster.
Not many people were at Dollar General and it was easy getting around, but everyone there was wearing a mask.