The Seventeenth Day of the New Year

Wrote five new pages into the novel. Edited five pages of a short story. Might get more work into the novel and story tonight. Went out to eat with Dad. I had Lake Smelt and Fries, which was mostly good, but then one of the smelt pieces had something funny about it and I damn near threw up on the table. Instead the Godzilla of burps blasted out of my mouth. It was embarrassing, but I survived.

I got a new order from the Brower Farms today. I really, really love the cuts of meat I get from these guys. I don’t like buying meat from the grocery store anymore, because I have a hard time finding satisfying cuts. The guys at the Brower Farms know how to cut meat satisfyingly.

I’d say it was a good day.

Red Wings at 7:30.