More Thoughts

The Second Amendment doesn’t cover personal protection. That’s not what the Second Amendment is about. If you own a firearm that you never take out in public, you are already exercising your Second Amendment right. Taking a firearm, whether it’s a pistol or a rifle, out in public and saying you’re doing it to exercise your Second Amendment is bullshit.

Carrying a firearm for protection is separate from owning firearms because the Second Amendment allows you to. I believe strongly that if you’re going to carry a firearm in public, it should never be a long gun. It should be a pistol. There are pros and cons for concealed carry and open carry, but I always felt that concealed carry was the better choice. Because if the pistol is out of sight, there’s less risk of a misunderstanding.

If you’re carrying a long gun, though, you’re just asking for trouble.

I had planned to write fifty pages of fiction today, but all I got was five. This topic is distracting.