Progress Reporting

For a while I was reporting progress stats, but I’d fallen off that wagon. I feel a little antsy when I don’t keep up with that. I like keeping track of my progress. So, I’m going to try getting back on that wagon.

Currently, Novel 6 is 94,043 words and 463 pages. Story 43 is 7,944 words and 38 pages. I’ve been getting work into each almost every day, but not as much as I’d like.

Let’s see what those numbers look like at the end of the day.

Michigan’s Womens Basketball have advanced to the Elite Eight. The Mens Basketball team is out.

Spring Training has started. The regular season starts April 7. The Tigers first game is April 8.

I need to shave.

Another All-Nighter

One of the reasons I like Six Feet Under is it’s a very informative show and I learn a thing or two from each episode. Often, I’m pausing to look up something that was mentioned in the show so I can find out more about it.

There’s some question about whether there will be an MLB season this year. The league and the players have not reached an agreement.

5:00 AM is an ungodly time, but I refused to surrender. I got 5 pages-861 words into the novel and 5 pages-1,061 words into the story. I’m tired, can’t keep my eyes open and my nerves are shot. Going to bed now.

Up All Night

I placed an order through DoorDash tonight. I guess there was a problem. The Dasher tried to call me a couple times, but I don’t take phone calls. I have instructions with every order that say “Deaf, please text.” When I didn’t answer the phone after the second call, they canceled the order.

Some people don’t know what the word “deaf” means.

Anyway, I pulled an all-nighter and hammered down 10 pages of fiction, 5 pages-1,174 words to the novel and 5 pages-747 words to the story. I really need to have more days of high production like this. Been havng too many days of low production.

Okay, it’s 6:15 in the morning. Good night. See you tomorrow.

Four Random Things from my Day

1) Next time Christians in my life make a fuss about me drinking, I’m going to remind them of the wedding guests who drunk all the wine, and Jesus turned water into wine so the guests could continue drinking.

2) I’ve been watching Six Feet Under again. The scene where the baby dies in the crib has always been hard for me to sit through. All through the rest of that episode, my heart aches and I get teary-eyed. Rico, a young father, is very convincing in showing how hard it is for a funeral home employee to work with an infant death.

3) The Red Wings did not win today.

4) I wrote 433 words into the novel and 381 words in the story. I wanted to keep going, but I’m really burned out.

BB Guns

I’ve been hearing that ammo is in low supply again. I have ammo for all of my guns, but I don’t want to use it up and not be able to resupply.

I remembered this air-soft pistol that I bought about 25 years ago. I never used it. It’s been in a desk drawer forever. Maybe it’ll be good for target shooting.