So Much for Faith

I thought I’d be watching the Tigers and Yankees tonight, but turned out the game was only on Apple TV and I don’t have Apple TV. Damn good thing, too. So much for faith, y’know? The box scores show that the Yankees have the Tigers 12 to nothing and the game isn’t over yet. The 6th just ended.

I would not have sat well through this game. Things might have gotten broken. I hate the New York Yankees.

Production & Stuff

Production is going well today. Listening to music while I work. Windows are open and the wind comes through them.

I plan to stop production at 7 to watch the game. But my dad and I might end up going to Menards instead. I still need to get the trim to finish the tile job I did last year. I also need to replace some blinds in my living room.

I’m considering getting curtains for all the living room windows, Blinds break every couple years. I think curtains would last longer. But I haven’t made up my mind yet. Probably just going to replace the broken blinds for now.

Keep the Faith

The Detroit Tigers are in New York today, to play the Yankees at 7. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m going to make a prediction now, before the game starts. The Tigers are going to beat the Yankees tonight. Then they’re going to beat the Yankees again tomorrow and Sunday.

The New York Yankees are currently at the top of the American League East, with 36 wins and 15 losses, while the Tigers are in fourth place in the American League Central, with 21 wins and 30 losses. I don’t care. My prediction will stand unless the opposite happens.

Keep the faith.

Cheap Beer

A case of eight 16oz cans of beer costs around six bucks from Dollar General. That’s a steal.

Budweiser used to be my favorite cheap beer, but then I started liking Miller Lite better. Today, I decided to revisit Budweiser and see if there’s really much difference between the two beers.

Tigers and Guardians are tied. 4th inning.


The Tigers just swept the Orioles. This is the first three games in a row that they’ve won since the season started. Hope the streak continues.

Tomorrow, they’re playing the Ray’s at the cursed stadium of Tampa Bay.

I’m going to cook pork steaks for supper. Getting real hungry.

Bacon, Baseball and Chickens

To the neighbor cooking bacon this evening. Mighty thoughtful of you. I’ll meet your challenge in the morning.

Anyway, the Tigers and Athletics had a doubleheader today. I didn’t see much of either game. We watched the last few innings of the afternoon game at my mom and dad’s house. The Tigers kicked ass, 6-0, and they ended the losing streak.

However, they seem hellbent on starting a new losing streak. The evening game just ended with the Athletics winning, 0-4.

My brother and I helped Dad expand the chicken pen.