Not Everyone has Wisdom Teeth that need to be Pulled

Every now and again I’m asked about my wisdom teeth and whether I had them pulled out yet. It seems I should have had my wisdom teeth taken out a long time ago, because apparently everyone else has had theirs taken out long before they hit mid-life crisis.

When I tell people I still have my wisdom teeth, they are shocked. The next thing they want to know is, am I having any problems with my teeth? No, I’m not. My reply is always met with disbelief, like that just can’t be true. Everyone has to have their wisdom teeth taken out! That just the way it is!

Nope, that’s not true.

So annoyed was I with the notion that I need to have my wisdom teeth taken out, I decided to look into it. There’s a bit of information online about wisdom teeth. While wisdom teeth do eventually cause problems for most people, some people can go through life without ever being bothered by their wisdom teeth.

So, there you have it. I’m a caveman.

Pistols & Calibers

From left to right, the rounds are a .357 Magnum, .380 ACP, 9mm, .22lr, .40 S&W, .38 Special, 10mm and .22 WMR.

.22lr is the smallest and lowest priced. That’s why .22lr is good for target practice. But, believe it or not, this tiny caliber is good for defense too. I know, some people say a .22 isn’t going to do you any good in a life or death situation, but that’s bullshit.

As with any caliber, it really depends on shot placement. And in many cases, it doesn’t even depend on that. Your attacker would have to be special kind of nut to keep coming after you while you’re pointing a gun at him, no matter what caliber you’re using. But if he’s armed too, he might shoot back, and in that case you’ll want to put him out of action as quickly as you can.

It’s true that bigger calibers can hit the target with more impact, and the wider the projectile, the bigger the hole. But if a .22 is what you have, or prefer, it’ll do you just fine.

A nice thing about .22lr is there’s hardly any recoil. Though some pistols might not be as comfortable as others. A model I really like is the Ruger SR22. It’s comfortable in my hand and the white-dot sights are easy for me to see.

.380 ACP is about same length as .22lr, but it’s a wider bullet. .380 is about the same width as 9mm. I’ve fired .380 in a few different pistols. .380 is not a really powerful round, but one of the pistols I fired the caliber from acted like it was a .45 or something. That sucker would try to flip out of your hand when you pulled the trigger. You had to hold it extra tight.

Other .380 pistols I’ve used were comfortable and easy to handle. I like the Cobra Denali. It’s a cheap pistol, but I like how it handles. Another .380 model I like is the Glock 42.

I think Cobra may have gone out of business. I can’t find their website anymore. There’s a store page up, but that’s not the official business site they used to have. So, if you had to choose between a Cobra Denali and a Glock 42, go for the Glock. And there are a number of other makes and models that are just as good.

For any pistol and caliber, you’ll have people criticizing the make and model and telling you the caliber is worthless. They’ll tell you to buy something else. They’ll even hook their thumbs in their suspenders and boast about how much experience they have.

Don’t listen to those people. I’ve found time after time that I simply can’t trust critics. Often they’ve never even used the pistol they’re trying to steer you away from. And what doesn’t work for someone else, might work wonderfully for you.

If there’s a pistol or caliber you’re interested in, you’re the only one who can decide if it’s right for you.

Eclipse 2017

So, which is it? Some articles say this was the first total solar eclipse in the history of the United States and some articles say 1979 was last time a total solar eclipse was seen in the United States. Conflicting information. Doesn’t anyone know what they’re talking about anymore?

Anyway, my left eye feels a little not-all-there. My first accidental glance at the sun was when I was checking to see how well shaded my backyard is, because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to leave my dog outside. Didn’t want her looking at the sun and going blind. I looked up at one of the trees and saw the sun shining through the branches. I looked away, but already there was a burnt shape in my vision.

Then, although I knew the sun could damage my phone’s camera, I decided to try what that meme on Facebook had suggested. Put your phone in selfie mode, stand with your back to the sun and watch the eclipse over your shoulder.

Oh, yeah! So genius!

I forgot how reflective my phone’s screen is in daylight. The sun zapped right into my eyes like a laser.

After that, I decided I wasn’t going to try to see this thing anymore. But then my dad sent me a text asking if I wanted to go over to his house and watch the eclipse through his welding mask. I did.

Don’t know if it was necessary, but we wore sun glasses behind the welding mask for additional protection. It really worked. We could see the black orb cutting deeper and deeper into the yellow orb. The day took on an eerie gloom.

When it was over, a flying saucer came out of the sky and hovered above us. A door opened and there stood a little green man. The green man gave us a thumb-up, and then the flying saucer flew away.

I kid you not.


This is at Fick’s Market, the store up the road from my mom and dad’s house. The pipeline is going to be connected to a water treatment plant about a mile east of Fick’s.

I don’t know if they’re done building the treatment plant yet. The last time I went by it was months ago and it was still under construction. But it does seem like they’re putting this thing together fast.

Though the treatment plant is in Lapeer County, it’s not for Lapeer. The pipeline goes through Genesee County to Flint. I believe it’s one of the state’s responses to Flint’s water crisis.

A Fine Saturday

I stayed home today. Mowed the front yard and did some house cleaning. I watched the Tigers lose to the Dodgers again. The Tigers didn’t manage to get in a single run.

After the Tigers, I watched the Lion-Jet preseason game. That was a good game. The Jets  were scoreless for most of the game, but then they got in two field goals.

Matt Prater is still looking good. I think he made every field goal he was sent out to kick.

The final score is Jets 6 – Lions 16.

Because I stayed off Facebook today…

…I wrote 1,671 words, made two submissions and got all the chores done.

The Tigers didn’t play today. I did have the Buccaneer-Jaguar game on, but didn’t pay much attention to it. The Lions’ next preseason game is Saturday, against the Jets. The Lions did very well against the Colts in Sunday’s game.

College Football starts in a couple weeks. The Wolverines will kick off their season against the Gators.

A Better Day

Yesterday sucked. I was in a bad mood and had a headache that lasted the entire day.  But today is better and the headache is gone.

I’m pleased that all of my friends and family on Facebook, Conservatives and Liberals alike, who posted anything about the Nazis in Charlottesville made it clear that Nazis are not welcome in America. In the comments of a few friends’ posts, I saw people defending or making excuses for the Nazis. But none of those people were friends of mine.

Yesterday there was a bit of Conservative Vs Liberal battling. I was frustrated with all the finger pointing. But things seem to have calmed down today.

I’m getting bored with the discussions and that’s a good thing. I’ve been horribly derailed the last few days. I’d like to get back on track.

The Tigers are getting their asses kicked again. Bottom of the 8th, DET 4 – TEX 11. But that’s been the season.

Nazis in America

People keep saying “racists” when they talk about Nazis. But Nazis are much more than racists. I’m too tired to list all the things Nazis stand against, but freedom is one of the things. Actually, the Nazis anti-freedom stance can cover it all.

As we all know, the Nazis are responsible for the deaths of millions of people. They murdered people because of race, religion, sexuality, disability, political leaning. The list goes on and on.

They would arrest you, stick you in a concentration camp if you didn’t show full support of the Nazi Party. You were required to make the Hitler salute whenever a band of storm troopers marched by on the street. You couldn’t listen to the music you liked, read the books you liked. You couldn’t express yourself freely, and so on.

Nazis in America might have freedom of speech like the rest of us. But I don’t care. I’m fine with the idea of beating the shit out of them whenever they show themselves. No more of this sign waving and chanting as counter protest. Grab those assholes and beat the shit out of them. I think the best way to get rid of Nazis is to make them fear the people.

Revisiting Ford Vs Chevrolet

I can’t think of anything else to blog about today. So, I’m going to revisit this topic.

I said before, I’m not opposed to either make. I like both, and other makes too. But, I do lean a little toward Ford. It’s just that I was brought up to know Ford. Can’t really say which is better, I’m sure both have their pros and cons.

A lot of folks I know are team Chevrolet.  Ford is deemed the enemy to all vehicle owners. “Don’t buy a Ford!”, “Ford sucks!”, “How to fix a Ford? Buy a Chevy!” And so on.

I see a lot of thirty and forty year old Ford pickup trucks still on the road. They might be rusty hunks of metal, but they’re still running. And I see a lot of ten and fifteen year old Chevrolet pickup trucks broken down.

Recently the Chevrolet of someone I know broke down. I guffawed when I saw the flatbed truck that brought the Chevy home was a Ford.

What does this mean? I don’t rightly know. Another day and I might see a Chevy flatbed bringing home a Ford.

How often is a Ford pitted against a Chevy in demolition derby? Which make wins the most? That’s what I want to know.