After more than a year of not having a couch, I now have a couch and chair that both recline. Though I have protective covers on them, I’m going to try keeping my pets off them.
One of my biggest fears is drowning. When I was a kid, a boat that a friend and I were in flipped. I never learned to swim and would have drowned if my friend hadn’t pulled me out. Since then I’ve been having dreams that involve me getting stuck in waterways and floods.
I just woke up from one where my mom, me and someone else were on a walkway under a bridge. I fell and slid down the concrete slope into the canal. The water higher than my ankles, but it was slowly rising. The slope was too steep to climb.
I thought my mom was saying something about some steps to my left. I looked over, but all I saw was the mouth of a big pipe that water was passing through.
I started moving that way to see what my mom was talking about, but the closer I got to the pipe the deeper the water became, and then my mom was telling me not to go that way. So, I moved back to where I was. I was starting to panic when I woke up.
I made it out to my tower today. The weather was good for hunting. It even rained. A couple years ago, the biggest deer I’d ever seen came out immediately after it stopped raining. So, I’ve been holding to the belief that it’s best to hunt when it rains.
But I didn’t have the pulley for cocking my crossbow. I thought it was in my jacket pocket, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t in my backpack either. It’s in the pocket of my camo pants, but I didn’t wear those pants today.
Yeah, I could’ve cocked it with my hands. But that spells hernia real fast and I done had me enough of those in this lifetime. The crossbow has a draw weight of about 200 pounds. It easier and safer to use the pulley.
I’m going to start leaving the pulley in the tower. It seems like every deer season there’s at least a couple times when I forget to bring the pulley for my crossbow.
The Dodgers and the Brewers are now tied in the NLCS. Whichever team wins the next game will the be the league champions and face the Red Sox in the World Series. I’m rooting for the Dodgers.
The Red Sox won the ALCS and Houston is out. I might still watch the World Series, but don’t know who I’ll root for.
The Red Sox just beat the Astros again and they’re leading the ALCS 3-1. The Dodgers beat the Brewers earlier and are leading the NLCS 3-2.
The Pistons had their first regular season game today, beating the Nets 103-100.
I started watching the Netflix series, the Haunting of Hill House. I like it so far. It’s creepy.
I’ve been writing one short story after another. Now I’m preparing to start a new novel. The novel will be titled “All Things Considered” and it will be speculative fiction. I’m figuring it’ll be around 70,000 words when it’s done.
I’ve decided to use that old cartoon meter from, to track my progress. I haven’t started yet, so right now it says 0 words (0%), and it shows the aim is 70,000 words.
My sister took the picture before I headed out today. I got in a few hours of hunting. It was pretty windy, and a bit cold. But it’s better when it’s cold. If you shoot a deer on a warm day, it might rot before you can get it butchered.
I really wanted to use my regular compound bow this year. I didn’t use it much in the past because the ceiling in my shack was low and the top of the bow would hit the ceiling. The ceiling of my tower’s blind is plenty high enough for a regular bow, and I might have used it. But I did something to my left elbow a couple months ago. It hurts when I draw back the string on the regular bow and I can’t hold it for long.
So, it’s the crossbow again.
I’m starting to think I’m going to need surgery to fix whatever’s wrong with my elbow. Think I tore something.
The Pistons beat the Cavs. They played on the Michigan State court today, not sure why. I have Game 1 of the Dodger-Brewer NLCS on. Top of the 6th, LAD 1- MIL 5.
I’d kill for some tacos right now.
The Pistons didn’t win, but it was a good game.
You know, I can’t seem to watch a basketball game without thinking about something a lot of people say, “Basketball is a terrible sport because it’s too easy to score.”
I think these people are missing the point. The game isn’t how hard it is to score, the game is who can score the most. I happen to think basketball is a wonderful sport. It’s a sport that keeps you moving. Players don’t get much time to rest.
You get a lot of exercise playing basketball and you likely have very good reflexes. It’s a game that I was never good at, but it looks like a lot of fun for those who play it.