Santa Clarita Diet

Do not start the Netflix original series “Santa Clarita Diet”, which stars Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant. I repeat, do not start this series. It is highly addictive and you will be hooked.

Santa Clarita Diet is outrageously hilarious gore. You will laugh and you will be shocked. Once you start this series, you will be unable to get away from it. You will watch one episode after another.

You have been warned.

Another Brady Bowl

During most of the game, I was thinking the title of this blog entry would be “Not Every Bowl Can Be A Brady Bowl”, but things got turned around in the fourth quarter.

I spent the day at mom and dad’s. We had a lot of food, chicken wings and ribs off the smoker, plus a bunch of other stuff to munch on while we watched the game.

I admit, I considered rooting for the Falcons, but in the end I decided to root for Patriots again. First, because I’d always considered the Pats to be one of my backup teams. Second, because Tom Brady was Michigan’s quarterback back  in the day. So, I decided I’d stick with the Patriots.

I know about the controversy surrounding the Patriots last Super Bowl victory, but, eh, I decided that I didn’t care.

I would have been perfectly fine if the Falcons won, though. The Falcons had a very good lead for most of the game. They were beating the hell out of the Patriots, sacking Brady and all that. But I guess Brady found his arm at some point during the fourth quarter and screwed it back in.

The Patriots scored a few times and the fourth quarter ended with a 28-28 tie. An overtime was added and the Patriots landed another touchdown. Game ended with the Patriots 34 and the Falcon 28.

Same Old Situation

Writing a brand new short story. Two pages in so far,. I want five pages before I stop on the short story for the day, and then I’ll want ten pages on the novel. Want to get it all done by midnight. Let’s see if I can.
Of course, I got music blaring. Music helps the words flow from my mind to my fingers, which are hammering away on the keyboard.
Got one more page to go on the short story. Think I’ll just finish it and go to bed. Tomorrow I’ll try to start earlier.

My Minute Bio

The magazine I just submitted to required a publication-ready bio be included in the submission, so I threw this together. Hope it does the trick.

Rob Darnell lives in a nice neighborhood. His office window looks out on a lake. He has a cat named Buddy and a dog named Luci. He loves the Detroit Tigers, Lions, Red Wings, Pistons and the Michigan Wolverines. An avid deer hunter, he spends time in a tiny shack from the beginning of October until the end of December. His website is

Forgotten Story

I found an 8,800-word story that I don’t remember writing. I can’t say for sure what it’s about, but a quick skim reveals that it is a crime story.

Think I’ll go ahead and submit it without reading it and see what happens. If it’s published, maybe someday people will come up to me and talk about this character or that and the things they did, and I’ll have to ask them, “Which story is that?”

Butchering My Deer

I have two packages of venison left in my freezer. One is burger and one is steak. I’ve been saving them, but will probably eat them soon. I wish I had more.

I hunt deer every year, from the beginning of October until the end of December. In the last couple years, I’ve seen a lot of deer while in my shack. But I buy only one doe tag and one buck tag a year.

After you get a deer and tag it, you can buy another tag. The tags are $20.00 each. That’s not bad. I would sure like to buy a new tag after harvesting a deer. At $20.00 a tag, I could definitely buy more tags.

The problem is, having a butcher process your deer is expensive. I mean, it’s a reasonable price if you’re just bringing in one or two deer a year. But if you want to bring in more deer and you’re not particularly rich, it’ll hit your wallet pretty hard.

For a while now, I’ve thought to butcher my deer myself. It would save me a lot of money. My brother worked as a butcher and meatcutter for years. He told me that all I’d need is a good knife, a small meat grinder, freezer bags and practice.

Seems simple enough and not very costly. So, this year I’m going to get that stuff together before Archery Season starts on October 1st.  I will probably need my brother’s help until I get the hang of it, but eventually I’ll be doing it myself.

If I do my own butchering, I might be able to harvest enough venison to feed me for a year.