…and that was Monday Night Football

Whoever came up with the idea of Monday Night Football is a genius. The weekend is over and for many people, Monday is their reentry into Hell. But, hey, at least they got a football game to look forward to.

Yeah, yeah. Not everyone likes football. Shut up.

That was a good game. I enjoyed it. But I’m disappointed that Arizona didn’t manage to beat Dallas. I hate the Cowboys, almost as much as I hate the Buckeyes.

Well, the NFL is really making a fool out of Pmurt. It looks like his friends in the NFL are siding their teams and making it clear how strongly they disapprove of what he said.

A Better Day

Yesterday sucked. I was in a bad mood and had a headache that lasted the entire day.  But today is better and the headache is gone.

I’m pleased that all of my friends and family on Facebook, Conservatives and Liberals alike, who posted anything about the Nazis in Charlottesville made it clear that Nazis are not welcome in America. In the comments of a few friends’ posts, I saw people defending or making excuses for the Nazis. But none of those people were friends of mine.

Yesterday there was a bit of Conservative Vs Liberal battling. I was frustrated with all the finger pointing. But things seem to have calmed down today.

I’m getting bored with the discussions and that’s a good thing. I’ve been horribly derailed the last few days. I’d like to get back on track.

The Tigers are getting their asses kicked again. Bottom of the 8th, DET 4 – TEX 11. But that’s been the season.

Nazis in America

People keep saying “racists” when they talk about Nazis. But Nazis are much more than racists. I’m too tired to list all the things Nazis stand against, but freedom is one of the things. Actually, the Nazis anti-freedom stance can cover it all.

As we all know, the Nazis are responsible for the deaths of millions of people. They murdered people because of race, religion, sexuality, disability, political leaning. The list goes on and on.

They would arrest you, stick you in a concentration camp if you didn’t show full support of the Nazi Party. You were required to make the Hitler salute whenever a band of storm troopers marched by on the street. You couldn’t listen to the music you liked, read the books you liked. You couldn’t express yourself freely, and so on.

Nazis in America might have freedom of speech like the rest of us. But I don’t care. I’m fine with the idea of beating the shit out of them whenever they show themselves. No more of this sign waving and chanting as counter protest. Grab those assholes and beat the shit out of them. I think the best way to get rid of Nazis is to make them fear the people.

Random Stuff that Comes to Mind While Scrolling Facebook

AC/DC beats Metallica every time.

As far as dead rappers go, I never got into Tupac’s music, but I really like The Notorious B.I.G.

Whenever I need to use “effect” or “affect”, I have an argument with myself over which word is correct. Consulting a dictionary or thesaurus does not make it clear for me.

Glock makes fine pistols and I have no problem with Glocks, but if you wanted to know my favorite manufacturer, I would say Smith & Wesson.

In the Chevy Vs Ford war, I’ve had negative and positive experiences with both makes and I don’t think either is better than the other, but I’ve always felt a sort of loyality to Ford, maybe because my dad always had a Ford when I was growing up.

Mike Rowe is smarter than Donald Trump and Barack Obama combined.

What a Bunch of Chickens

I give up. I can’t sit quiet. I tried to avoid these topics, for my own peace and because I have issues controlling my temper. Plus, no one listens to me, so why bother? But, I can’t ignore these things either, so I’m going to say what I will when I feel the need to, instead of trying to hold it in.

A lot of people are trying their damnedest to convince you that Muslims want nothing more than to destroy everyone who does not follow Islam. There are Muslims who would love to see all non-Muslims dead. You bet your ass, there are.

And you know what? Just like Christians, there are a lot of Islamic bigots in the world who are probably not what you would call extremists, but who have a fear and dislike of Christians and other non-Muslim people. That doesn’t mean they will attack you, but they might have offensive things to say about you. It’s no different than how a lot of Christian bigots have such things to say about Muslims.

It’s that way with every religion (or non-religious group) on the planet. There are people everywhere who dislike other groups for whatever reason. These people are cowards. They live in fear of what they don’t understand. They want to keep the unfamiliar away because they think the unfamiliar is a threat. In other words, they’re paranoid.

But at the same time, there are just as many brave people in every group, whether religious or not, who are willing to meet with the unfamiliar and friend it. Be one of the brave people. Cowardice is generally frowned on. Don’t be a small-minded simplistic. Explore beyond your usual propaganda and find the good people in whatever group it is you fear.

Any document, article, video or whatever that tries to make you fear an entire group is propaganda. The purpose of this propaganda is to fuel your fear and hatred for whatever group you don’t understand.

There was a time when I thought Muslims were evil, but then I saw how wrong I was. It’s ridiculous to make blanket statements that cover entire religions.

No American Should Have to Fear the President

I’m grateful for the people protesting Donald Trump’s presidency. I don’t care how fair the election was. I don’t care if the other half of the voters want Trump in the White House and are just anxious for the day he takes over. A lot of people are scared. If that many people are afraid of the president-elect, then something is terribly wrong.

Yes, since Trump won the election, he has said some things that almost restore hope. It sounds like he doesn’t plan on wiping out the Affordable Care Act, but intends to make changes to it. I hope they are good changes. He also said something about wanting to work with all parties and bring the country together.

But a number of things he has said during his campaign are not forgotten. This is why so many people are afraid. Since Trump’s victory, there has been a number of hate crimes reported. It’s going to get worse as time goes on.

No one in the United States should have to accept a president who promotes hate.

I don’t know that the protests will make a difference. I think the best we can hope for in this scenery, is that the protesters do not give up and continue to grow in numbers. Maybe with enough pressure, Trump will resign before he even takes office.

But that’s a huge maybe. I doubt it’ll happen, because the number of Trump supporters is practically equal to the number of people who voted against Trump.

I pray that Trump ends up being something like Louis XIV and has a total change of heart.

I Blame the Two Party System

I was watching as the election results came in last night, but at around 11:30 PM, they were still counting and I was getting tired. So, I went to bed. I woke up at 2:30, went into the living room and turned on the TV. I was just in time to see the final states wrap it up and the headline informing us that Clinton called Trump.

Donald Trump will be our next president. Even though I did not support Clinton in this election, I would feel better if she had won. But she didn’t. Trump is the president elect.

We have a two party system. That means there’s always going to be a tug of war between the two parties. It’s always going to be a back and forth motion. Democrats are not always going to win and Republicans are not always going to win. And it can only be one or the other, according to this bullshit two-party system.

It really shouldn’t be a  big surprise that Trump will be our next president. We’ve been going back and forth between Republicans and Democrats for the last several election circles.

Let’s see….

George H. W. Bush (Rep), served a four year term. When was that? Late 80’s-early 90’s, right?

Bill Clinton (Dem), served two four-year terms, through the rest of the 90’s.

George W. Bush (Rep), served eight years, 2001-2009, right?

Barack Obama (Dem), served eight years.

Donald Trump (Rep), will begin his presidency in 2017.

Do you see this fucking back and forth motion. It’s practically predictable. It’s going to keep happening because there’s no more options. It’s always got to be one of those two, one of those two, ONE OF THOSE TWO! Always!

It’s not always going to be your candidate and it’s not always going to be their candidate.

This two party system is the real problem in our country. That’s how I see it.

Yes, I am concerned about what a Trump presidency will mean for all of us. I could continue on about that, but John Scalzi said pretty much what I’m thinking, so I’m just going to link you to his post.

I find comfort in Scalzi’s last paragraph: “But at the end of that time, I hope you come back to us. Looking at the numbers as they stand right now, Trump won by just about 300,000 votes Clinton got at least 100,000 more votes than Trump out of about 120 million individual votes cast. There’s a lot of us who will stand with you, when you’re ready to stand again with us. There’s work to be done over the next four years and beyond. We need to get to it.”

Also, my friend Jackie said this a couple weeks ago: “No matter which candidate wins neither of them is going to be as big a disaster as their detractors make them out to be nor as wonderful as their supporters think they are.” I’d like to believe that. I hope she’s spot on.

As I said before, I voted Libertarian because I feel the Libertarian Party takes what I value from both sides and puts it together. The two major parties make me feel like I’ll have to give something up, something that I very much want to keep. The Libertarian Party does not make me feel that way.

I’m not proud that our country elected Trump, but I am proud of my Libertarian vote.

I posted this on Facebook shortly after the final results came in. So, you might not see me around there for a while, if ever again. I haven’t decided yet.



Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day. Those who haven’t already voted will be at the polls. We’ll wait to see if we’re doomed for the next four years. Of course, whoever the next president is, some people will say we’re doomed, while others will say we’re not. But this election year seems more heated than any I remember. I almost think a civil war will start tomorrow night.

Anyway, vote however you want. Don’t let the political bullies shame you into voting their way. I saw people accusing third party voters of sexism, claiming the third party voters  don’t want to vote for a woman. That’s a crock of shit. A lot of people are voting for the Green Party. That’s Jill Stein. Hillary Clinton isn’t the only woman on the ballot.

Vote however you want. Vote Democrat, Republican or any of the third parties, whatever feels right to you, and let everyone vote how they want to vote.


Just filled out my Absent Voter’s Ballot. I registered to vote by mail in the last couple elections, because my poor eyesight prevents me from driving myself to the township hall on Election Day.

Johnson and Weld got my vote for President and Vice President. For other offices, I voted Libertarian wherever I could. I really am tired of Republicans and Democrats. I feel that the tug of war between these two parties is a real problem in our country.

I want the two party system to end. In recent years, I’ve become less and less inclined to support either Republicans or Democrats.  But this is the first election where I’m voting for the Libertarian presidential candidate.

No, I did not waste my vote. I voted for the candidates I wanted to vote for. I feel that the Libertarians hold more of my values than the Democrats and Republicans.

But if you want to vote Democrat or Republican, that’s cool. That’s your right.