One of the reasons I want a gun is you can’t count on the police for shit. New information comes in and it sounds like 40 cops were outside Robb Elementary for an hour while parents begged them to go in.
I’ve been hearing that ammo is in low supply again. I have ammo for all of my guns, but I don’t want to use it up and not be able to resupply.
I remembered this air-soft pistol that I bought about 25 years ago. I never used it. It’s been in a desk drawer forever. Maybe it’ll be good for target shooting.
People continue to think the Second Amendment is about hunting and personal protection. The Second Amendment doesn’t have a thing to do with either of those.

The big camouflage holster in the center is a sling that crosses my body from shoulder to hip. It’s designed for carrying big revolvers that have scopes on them. I use it when I want to carry my single-action revolver in the field or woods. This holster holds my revolver tight and the flap on the top is unnecessary.
The three holsters on the left are OWBs. The brown leather one is for my snub-nosed .357 Magnum. Though it’s an OWB, it holds the magnum tight against my waist. If my shirt is covering it, you will not know it’s there.
The other two are for my 9mm. One is pretty bulky and would never work for concealed carry. The other, the black leather one, is a little better, but the shape of the pistol might still be seen against my shirt.
The three on the right are IWBs. I really like these thin fabric IWB holsters. They fit well in my waistband and are quite comfortable. I’ve tried other IWB holsters, including leather, and they were very uncomfortable.
One of the IWBs is for my 9mm. Another is for my .380. The third one, the smallest one, I bought it for my .380 and it was too small. But my way of thinking is, if I buy the wrong size holster, instead of returning the holster, I’ll keep it and eventually buy a pistol that fits in it.
I accept that some people don’t like guns, don’t want a gun and don’t feel they need a gun. That’s fine. I completely support their choice. But I take issue when someone says I shouldn’t have a gun and that I don’t need one.
Do I really need a gun? I don’t know. I live in a nice neighborhood, in a somewhat rural area. I’ve never witnessed any crime around here. But occasionally strange people come to my door. You never know what someone’s intent could be.
I know that violent crime can happen anywhere. Not just big cities. Even the most rural areas can have violent crime. So, you never know. I choose to be armed because I don’t want find myself a target and not have the means to prevent myself from becoming a victim.
I have faith in police forces. But I also know that in most cases, the police are not on the scene at the time the crime is being committed. I suspect most other people know that too. So, it’s strange to me when people say things like “We don’t need guns because we trust the police to do their jobs.”
I live in a nation where firearm ownership is allowed. I know that many other nations don’t allow firearm ownership. Most of the people in these nations seem fine with that and I’m happy for them. Maybe it really does make a difference in their country. But just because it works for them, doesn’t mean it’s going to work for everyone.
I’ve heard all of the different comparisons of my country to another country. Most of the time, I don’t agree that country is any better than mine. Usually that country has a much smaller population and does not have as much land. Though they might have a lower rate of violent crimes, the rates are usually high enough to be a concern.
You don’t have to be armed. But how can you honestly not understand why I prefer to be? How can you honestly tell me that I shouldn’t have or don’t need a gun? If I didn’t have a gun, what should I do if someone attacked me with a weapon? I’m physically strong, I can fight. But I’d rather not be hit with a baseball bat, or stabbed repeatedly while struggling with this person who attacked me, or shot.
So, what would you have me do? Your way of thinking seems to be, I should just accept that I will be a mess for the police to clean up.
The Second Amendment doesn’t cover personal protection. That’s not what the Second Amendment is about. If you own a firearm that you never take out in public, you are already exercising your Second Amendment right. Taking a firearm, whether it’s a pistol or a rifle, out in public and saying you’re doing it to exercise your Second Amendment is bullshit.
Carrying a firearm for protection is separate from owning firearms because the Second Amendment allows you to. I believe strongly that if you’re going to carry a firearm in public, it should never be a long gun. It should be a pistol. There are pros and cons for concealed carry and open carry, but I always felt that concealed carry was the better choice. Because if the pistol is out of sight, there’s less risk of a misunderstanding.
If you’re carrying a long gun, though, you’re just asking for trouble.
I had planned to write fifty pages of fiction today, but all I got was five. This topic is distracting.
Last night, I shared this article. But then it was pointed out to me that there is more to the story than that.
This brings to mind something from a few years ago. A guy walked around an airport with a high-capacity rifle. I think the airport was Atlanta. He was doing it to exercise his Second Amendment right. I’d say that’s the same thing Andreychenko did.
I never thought it was a good idea. My way of thinking is, while you have the right to be armed for defense purposes in public, you should not be armed in a manner that terrorizes people.
I’m not a fan of open carrying pistols in public places either, but I don’t find it alarming. When I see someone at the grocery store with a pistol on his hip, especially if the pistol is stainless or a 1911, I have to resist the urge to look at it out of admiration.
I’m not sure how I would react if I saw someone at the grocery store with an AR15 hanging from his chest. I guess if he was keeping his hands off it, I wouldn’t worry about it too much, but I think other people would.
I hunted Thanksgiving morning, but didn’t see anything. I didn’t hunt yesterday because my brother, my nephew and me were helping my dad put up a storage shed. We didn’t finish yesterday, so I wasn’t planning to hunt today either. I didn’t take my hunting gear over to Mom and Dad’s today.
We called it a day on the shed at around 2 PM. I went out to my hunting ground to put down some carrots and swap the trail camera’s memory card. That was all I was going to do today.
I got back to the house. We had the Michigan-Ohio State game on., which I had planned to watch today. The Buckeyes are Michigan’s most hated foe. I rarely miss the Michigan-Ohio State games. I get very emotional during these games and often lose my temper.
Michigan fans see the Buckeyes the same way the Red Sox see the Yankees. The rivalry isn’t just for fun, we have very dark feelings for each other. Each wishes the other would fall off the edge of the Earth.
I put the camera’s memory card in the computer. I was looking through the pictures that the camera took over the last couple days and I saw this.
The clock says 6:14 AM, but the clock is wrong. The camera got a picture of me when I was swapping the memory card, so I was able to figure out that this picture was actually taken around 4:30 PM yesterday.
The picture is a little blurry, but I think the buck is at least ten-points. He’s big, too. When I zoom in, I can see how fat he is. My guess is, he weighs more than 200 pounds, maybe close to 300 pounds. This might be that massive deer I saw a couple years ago.
If I had been out there yesterday and assuming the buck didn’t detect me, he would have been right in my line of fire. He posed for this picture in the exact spot that I want the deer to be when I shoot it.
So, when the Buckeyes scored again and things weren’t looking good for Michigan, I decided I’d rather be hunting. I had my kill tags in my wallet and I borrowed an old orange hunting vest that my dad has. I didn’t want to use buckshot and we only had 20 gauge slugs. So, I used my brother’s old break-action 20 gauge. He left it behind when he moved out of my mom and dad’s house.
The barrel on my brother’s 20 gauge is about a foot longer than the barrel on my 20 gauge, and I reckon it gets better distance. But I didn’t see any deer today. I’m going to try getting out there tomorrow morning. The trail camera has gotten several pictures of bucks, mostly six and eight-points. I’d be happy with either of those. But that fat, ten-point buck, that’s the one I really want.
Firearm season starts Thursday. My dad’s letting me use his powerful rifle scope again. Got it sighted today.
When I shot my deer last year, the scope hit me in the head and I had to get seven stitches above my right eye. But I figured out that happened because when I was trying to get a clear view through the scope, I pulled my head back and that caused my shoulder to move back from the stock.
This year, we moved the scope mount forward an inch and that really makes a difference. Now in order to get a clear view through the scope, I have to really tuck the stock into my shoulder, very tightly and almost painfully, and the gun doesn’t recoil at all when fired.
This will be my first season with the new slug barrel on my Mossberg 500. I reckon it’ll make a difference in accuracy and I’m going to take long shots.