Goodbye Old Friend

This is Daisy. My mom and dad’s dog. Today she was having bad seizures and the vet euthanized her. I took this picture a few weeks ago. She could hardly hear or see these past few weeks, it was a wonder she continued to greet me when I came in the door.

Daisy had been part of the family for, I think, fifteen years. When she was a pup, she was found at Fick’s, the store up the road from my mom and dad’s house. The store was keeping her in a pen until someone adopted her.

My mom decided she wanted Daisy. She went to the store, but a lady had gotten there before her and they were trying to get Daisy in her car. So, my mom left without saying anything.

Later, my mom went back to the store and Daisy was still there. Turns out they were unable to get Daisy to stay in the lady’s car and the lady had given up. When they put Daisy in my mom’s car, Daisy jumped into the passenger seat and sat there.

It’s going to be strange when I’m not greeted by Daisy next time I’m at Mom and Dad’s house.

It needed to be said, so I said it

If you don’t like beer, that’s cool. I have no problem with that. The way I see it, the less beer you drink, the more beer there is for me. But occassionally I encounter someone who doesn’t like beer and criticizes people who do. That’s not cool. I don’t care how many alcoholics you know, when I’m trying to enjoy my beer, the last thing I want is a moral guilt trip about how beer is bad.

Ragamuffin, by Tobias S. Buckell

I feel like I owe Tobias Buckell an apology for taking so long to get back to Xenowealth. I read Crystal Rain years ago and I was blown away. I thought I would pick up Ragamuffin sooner, but I got sidetracked and this was before I started keeping a to-read list.

Everything I’ve read by Buckell, mostly short stories and novellas, was very good and very fun. Ragamuffin is no exception.

At first the characters were unfamiliar, but eventually Jerome, John and Pepper came into the story. I was reminded why Pepper was my favorite character in Crystal Rain.

Nashara, Kara and Etsudo are some of the new characters. They were all important in the fight against the Satrapy. Nashara being another badass like Pepper.


Walt Before Mickey (2015)

 Last night, I felt like watching something colorful and checked out Walt Before Mickey. As you probably guessed, Walt Before Mickey is about Walt Disney’s early life.

Walt’s path to success was not easy. He was often broke, often unable to pay his employees. I was grossed out when he dug a sandwich out of the garbage and ate it.

But Walt didn’t give up. People said he should, but what did they know?

I paused the movie many times to look things up

Here’s Alice’s Wonderland, one of Disney’s earliest work.