All Things Considered

I’ve been writing one short story after another.  Now I’m preparing to start a new novel. The novel will be titled “All Things Considered” and it will be speculative fiction. I’m figuring it’ll be around 70,000 words when it’s done.

I’ve decided to use that old cartoon meter from, to track my progress. I haven’t started yet, so right now it says 0 words (0%), and it shows the aim is 70,000 words.

Bare Back Magazine, May 2018



Gray World is a story I thought would never sell. I was just sending it out because I’d made a promise to myself that I would no longer self-reject my work, and just keep everything on the market and see what happens. So, I kept sending it out. I was surprised when Natasha Brooks at Bare Back Magazine said she wanted to buy Gray World for the May 2018 issue.

You can read Gray World for free on Bare Back Magazine.

About That Story

One of the short stories I’ve been shopping around has gotten positive feedback from editors at three different publications. They all said about the same thing. They like the story but feel some things need to be developed better, and they’ve suggested changes that they feel would make the story better.

I agree with them, but this is one of my older stories and I’ve reworked it so many times already. Now when I start to go over it again, I feel burned out. So, I’m writing a new story that uses the idea from the old story, but is very different in layout, characters and plot, and I’m using the suggestions the editors gave me.

I’m still shopping the old story around, because maybe someone will want it as it is.  A couple of my stories that I thought would never sell have sold, so these days I keep everything on the market and see what happens.