First Series Ends with a Sweep

The Tigers just swept the White Sox. That was our first series of the regular season. Each game was close, but Tigers won them all.

Now we go from Chicago to New York, where we’ll face the Mets.

Though I don’t really celebrate Easter, I’m using the holiday as an excuse to take it easy and I’m doing only a few things around the house today.

Rolling On

The MLB regular season has started. Tigers had their first game Thursday and their second game today, against the White Sox. Tigers won both games. They did very well in Spring Training, finishing second in the Grapefruit League. I hope they do that well in the regular season.

Yesterday was bright and sunny, today is gloomy and overcast.

Though I didn’t get to bed until 7:30 AM last night, I got up before noon today and I’m highly motivated. Rushing around the house, getting shit done.

Rock Shirts

I dig my new AC/DC shirt. It was a birthday gift from my friend Melanie. Coincidentally, my mom and dad got me a Led Zeppelin shirt. I always was wandering between Heaven and Hell.

I finished another story tonight. 26 pages, 5,837 words. Mostly decent draft and won’t require much fixing up.

Livin’ easy, livin’ free,
Sure all that glitters is gold.
Askin’ nothin’, leave me be,
If the stores are all closed….


Man, that was super hair pullin’ game, had me yelling my head off there at the end. But we won it. Lions are gonna make their first Super Bowl appearance this year, because I said so.

I admit that I don’t even know the name of the Lions’ current head coach, but I think he’s a damn good coach.

Arby’s and ALCS

Advertisement really works, dudes. I kept seeing these Arby’s cheesesteak sandwiches while watching the games and I had to try one tonight. Had a DoorDasher bring one over. Damn good sandwich, and just right for watching the ALCS Game 6.

Astros just lost. The ALCS is tied now and one more game to go. Pulling for the Astros.

PS, today was not a good day to be a Lion.


Just started cleaning up my flower beds. Hope I’m able to get fresh mulch this year, as well as the lumber to build the 8ft-long flower planter I’ve been wanting for a couple years.

Chris Kuell

I just found out why I hadn’t heard back from Chris Kuell, Breath & Shadow’s Editor in Chief, on an article I sent him in January. Chris has seen more of my work than any other editor, and he always responded within a month. He told me once that it should never take him more than a month to get back to me on a submission.

We’ve exchanged many messages over the years and found out a lot about each other. We both loved sports and music, and that was what we talked about most. I finally broke into Breath & Shadow last year with my article about Sean Forbes and Warren Snipe and the Super Bowl halftime show. Shortly after that article was published, I sold another article to them, “Walking With Cerebral Palsy”.

On my birthday last year, he sent me a fiction story he’d written that had to do Stevie Ray Vaughan, and a few months back, he was telling me about his book “Morris” that just came out. I think it’s a collection of stories about Rock n Roll. It’s next on my to-read list. I thought I would have read it while he was still well and alive.

Baseball and Stuff

Reds just beat Dodgers. Earlier, Mets lost to Astros. There’s more baseball games on, but I gotta turn the TV off and get back to work. As much as I want to watch all these games, I need to limit it to just my top teams, namely the Detroit Tigers for MLB, and the other Detroit teams for the other sports, as well as the Michigan Wolverines.

In Baseball, there are teams I love, teams I like, teams I don’t like and teams I hate. Someday, I oughta list out which teams are under which category.

Probably going to turn the Red Wings on at 7. Might or might not actually sit in front of the TV and watch the game.

I’m hungry. Going to make hamburgers. Hope I don’t burn them like I did last time. By the way, production has been moving steadily. Getting work into novels and short stories every day.