That’s Weird

I just found this in my mailbox. It’s one of those slips that the mail carrier leaves when the person sending you something didn’t purchase the right amount of postage. So, it falls on you to pay the postage “before” the mail carrier will leave the package.

I don’t know what this is. Everything I was expecting has already arrived. So, this isn’t something I ordered.

All I can think is, I have a lot of short stories on the market this year. Several of the markets I submitted to are “pay on publication”, which means they pay you when they publish your story. I think sometimes such markets send the payment along with the issue your story is published in without contacting you first to let you know you’re in.

But I don’t know that for sure and I’m reluctant to pay $1.35 for something to be delivered when I don’t know what it is.

New Boots

My old boots were broken, so I ordered new boots. They’re Herman Survivors. I don’t know anything about the brand, but I tried them on and they’re comfortable.

Bow season starts tomorrow. I probably won’t be out everyday, but I’ll be out as often as I can. Still need to clean up the shack a bit. I want to get rid of the green lumps on the ceiling that I hope are not in fact wasp nests. The balls of hair on the floor, I think that might be a mouse nest. In any case, it’ll be thrown out.

Going to the hardware store today to get my license and kill tags. I’m going to get a buck tag and a doe tag.

Cooler Weather

Yeah, the heat wave is over. Today was much cooler, it also rained earlier. I did some yard work. Will try to do a little yard work every day, to keep up with the leaves.

There’s a cold night breeze coming through my window here. It’s nice.

The Rich Report

This morning the Fuhrer reported that he has spoken with Jerry Jones. The details of the conversation are not disclosed, but the owner of our nation’s finest football team, the Dallas Cowboys, has assured Dear Fuhrer that this nonsense will end. The players of the Dallas Cowboys will stand for our country.

This is rejoicing news for the true patriots of our great nation. We urge you to stand with the Cowboys and cheer for them as they carry on our national pride. The Fuhrer has spoken highly of Jones and proclaimed that he is a winner.

All must be made aware that unpatriotic behavior will not be tolerated. You are free to express yourselves, but only within the grounds that our administration has constructed. If you are not with us, then you are against us.

Heil Trump!

I hope this really is the last day of the heat wave

It’s been so bloody hot. I decided I won’t be doing any yard work until I feel cool air. I don’t know what the temperatures were today, didn’t check, but it felt hot. Been burning up all day.

It says tomorrow will be 74 degrees. I hope that actually means it’s going to feel like 74 degrees, but I expect there’ll still be heat. Right now, because it’s night time, it’s 65 degrees, but it feels like fucking 100.

I’m thinking, we might not truly be out of this shit until Friday night. By then, I’ll look like a burnt piece of toast.

The NFL and the Anthem

The notion that kneeling during the National Anthem is disrespectful to the troops and veterans is such bullshit. It’s usually voiced by people who never served but who have a tendency to suck up to the troops. I know a number of people who served, who are not bothered by NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem. They have voiced their support for this movement because they understand what it is and what it’s not.

Many who are currently serving or who have served in the Military expressed that they served to protect Freedom, including the Freedom of Expression, which is what we’ve been seeing in the NFL lately. It’s a constitutional right that every American has. President Trump doesn’t appear to respect that right.

The NFL is not disrespecting the National Anthem, the flag, the troops or the country. They are trying to make a difference, to raise awareness and combat injustice. No, actually, what we saw over the weekend was NFL teams and owners making it clear to Trump that they support the rights of their teammates. Some of the people involved in the arm linking and kneeling are friends of Trump’s.

Of course there are veterans who are offended by this movement, but the fact that they are veterans isn’t the real reason they’re offended. They’re offended for the same reason that a lot of other people are, they don’t understand it and they think it’s something that it’s not.

…and that was Monday Night Football

Whoever came up with the idea of Monday Night Football is a genius. The weekend is over and for many people, Monday is their reentry into Hell. But, hey, at least they got a football game to look forward to.

Yeah, yeah. Not everyone likes football. Shut up.

That was a good game. I enjoyed it. But I’m disappointed that Arizona didn’t manage to beat Dallas. I hate the Cowboys, almost as much as I hate the Buckeyes.

Well, the NFL is really making a fool out of Pmurt. It looks like his friends in the NFL are siding their teams and making it clear how strongly they disapprove of what he said.

The Bat Shack Still Stands

The Bat Shack is still standing. At the end of every deer hunting season, I close my shack and I don’t return to it until shortly before the next season starts. Every year I half expect it to be folded in on itself. The posts and the deck that the shack is on are in good shape and I expect them to last a long time. But the shack, the walls and roof, I keep thinking that’s going to collapse.

The roof is okay, but the walls have been breaking here and there. But they’re still holding up.

If you missed it, here’s why I call my hunting shack The Bat Shack.

I don’t know what those greenish lumps on the ceiling are. Could they wasp nests? Nor do I know what those freaking fuzzy ball things under the chair are. There’s always something creepy in there. Although I closed all the windows last year, something managed to get one of them open. Probably a raccoon or some other monster that I don’t care to meet.

I did watch the Lions today. It was the most heart breaking loss. With just a few seconds left on the clock, they finally got the ball into the end zone and won. But then the refs reviewed the play and decided, no, that wasn’t a touch down. The clock ran out and the game was over.

The Lions are now 2-1.

I didn’t make it out to The Bat Shack, but….

Yesterday I talked about my plans for today, but they didn’t go through. I raked and bagged some leaves. It was so damn hot. My face was a sweat faucet. So, I didn’t finish.

The apples that fell off the neighbors’ tree and landed in my backyard looked fresh a few days ago. But I guess this heat wave was too much for them. Now they look like the rotten hearts of zombies. I don’t want to feed those to deer. Maybe there will be some fresh ones next week.

I made it over to Mom and Dad’s, but I didn’t want to walk out to the shack in this heat. Instead we watched the Michigan-Purdue game. Purdue was tough, but they couldn’t stop Michigan.

Michigan 28 – Purdue 10.