This looks to be the situation

On the kitchen sink. It’s been badly clogged. Barely drains. I know where the clogging is not. The clogging is not in the pipe under the broom closet floor, because if it was, the bathtub would have problems draining too and it doesn’t.

My auger has a 25-foot snake, and that’s plenty long enough for all the drain systems in my house.

I can get the snake down this pipe under the sink.

And along this pipe in the basement.

But that’s as far as it will go. It will not turn at that point that goes through the wall. I think it’s because the turn is too sharp. I think we’ll have to cut the pipe just after that turn, and start the snake there.

That goes under the bathroom floor. The blockage would be somewhere between this turn and where the pipe meets the sewer line under the broom closet floor. It’s only about eight feet of pipe from this point to the closet.

Because I bought a canister drain auger today…

…and I’m trying to clear a blockage in the drain pipe for my kitchen sink. I got about fifteen feet in and around two turns, but then I couldn’t get it to turn again. If I’m understanding this video right (I cannot hear what he’s saying.): when I come to a turn in the pipes, I need to tighten the screw at the front of the canister before I start turning the wheel and that should get the snake turned in the right direction.

So, I guess I’ll try again tomorrow.


Insulin Needle

While my dad and I were going through my house checking for things that need fixing, we found an insulin needle on the board that covers the hole the sump pump is in. I don’t know where it came from or how long it had been there. I go down to the basement every day, I can’t believe I hadn’t noticed this needle before.

I guess that’s how bad my eyes are. I don’t see things until someone points them out to me. It was bright orange and in a spot that I almost always look at when I’m in the basement. If I had eventually noticed it on my own, I might’ve picked it up on the wrong end and that would not have been pretty.

I’m sort of freaked out that this thing was there all this time.

I posted this in a forums discussion over a month ago. Thought I’d share it here.

For me, trying different beers is like a hobby. Currently, I’m on the look out for a beer called Alaskan White, which was recommended by my cousin Anthony who lives in Alaska. I know some places in Michigan sell it, but I haven’t found it yet. I guess the name of the beer, Alaskan White, makes me think it’s an exceptionally good beer, and refreshing to drink when it’s 90 degrees outside. The name Alaskan White brings to mind beer coming fresh from a pile of snow in Alaska.

It’s hard to say which are my favorites. I like Samuel Adams’ blends, and will usually go for the Boston Lager. Corona or Heineken might get chosen, depending on my mood and whether I feel they’ll do what I need them to.

Miller Lite is the only light beer that I regularly buy. I don’t mind other light beers, but usually only drink them when it’s what someone else is offering.

The beer I get the most is Budweiser. Because it’s cheap, it’s right there and I know it works. On hot days, especially after working in the sun, I don’t want a dark flavory beer. I want a cheap, watery beer. That’s when Budweiser and Miller Lite are best.

I haven’t found a beer I dislike, but there are some that I don’t like as much. That would be most other light beers. Something about the way they taste just doesn’t do it for me as well as non-light beers, or they have an after-taste that I’m not crazy about. There’s Pabst and Hamm’s, that I do get quite a bit, but they are not favorites. Drink enough Pabst and Hamm’s and you start to notice that the liquid is a little thick.

Right now I’m having a Miller Lite. It’s a hot day and Miller really got it right with their light beer.


Hamm’s is fine beer. I wouldn’t say it’s the best flavored. It’s kind of like drinking a can of slobber. But it’s beer and it does what it’s supposed to. Plus, it’s cheaper than fuck. You can get a case of thirty for under fifteen bucks.

I shit you not.

That worked

Last night, I put my bow case down in the middle of the patio, put a rock on it to keep it from blowing away. I put dish soap and laundry soap on it. Then the storm came.

This morning, the case doesn’t smell like cat piss anymore. It’s probably the best smelling bow case in the world.

Now it’s just got to dry off.

I wonder if I could’ve saved my three couches this way.

So, why is my bow case hanging outside?

Because I soaked it in rubbing alcohol and now I’m air drying it

Buddy here thought it would be a wonderful idea to relieve his bladder all over it.

He destroyed three of my couches this way. I have doubts that the smell will ever come out of the bow case, and I’ll probably have to throw it out. I like this case.

No, Buddy will not be murdered, nor will he be given away or dropped off. Yes, I am furious with him. Yes, I lost my temper and yelled at him multiple times, and scared him. I feel bad about that, but this pisses me off.

It’s like I can’t have anything soft in my house. I’ve been keeping him out of the bedroom during the day, because I’m afraid he’ll piss on the bed when I’m not there. I haven’t had a couch in over a year. I’m not going to get another couch until I have a protective cover for it.

Yes, his litter box is fine and he uses it.


I looked out the window and saw that dog again. I called it to the door. It was wagging its tail and it seems friendly, but I’m still not sure I want to step outside. With jaws like that, it could do real damage if I gave the wrong impress. I think it belongs to the next door neighbors, I might have seen it in their backyard, but I’m not positive. It does not have a collar, and that always makes me wonder if a dog has an owner at all.