From Jamaica

My mom and dad just got back from Jamaica. They brought me this. When my mom was handing it to me, at first I thought it was a bottle of liquor. But then I realized it’s a flat, wooden piece of wall art. I was mildly disappointed that it wasn’t something I could drink, but it’s still cool. I know where I’m going to hang it.

I guess Red Stripe comes from Jamaica. I did not know that before today. I’d been seeing it in stores and have thought to give it a try. I know some people say the stuff is nasty, but every time I try a so-called nasty beer, I don’t detect a thing wrong with it. Think I’ll see if I can get a Shipt shopper to bring me some tonight.

About That Story

One of the short stories I’ve been shopping around has gotten positive feedback from editors at three different publications. They all said about the same thing. They like the story but feel some things need to be developed better, and they’ve suggested changes that they feel would make the story better.

I agree with them, but this is one of my older stories and I’ve reworked it so many times already. Now when I start to go over it again, I feel burned out. So, I’m writing a new story that uses the idea from the old story, but is very different in layout, characters and plot, and I’m using the suggestions the editors gave me.

I’m still shopping the old story around, because maybe someone will want it as it is.  A couple of my stories that I thought would never sell have sold, so these days I keep everything on the market and see what happens.

Where are all the creepy clowns?

A friend wondered what happened to all the creepy clowns. They were everywhere, but now they’re gone. The reason you’re not seeing creepy clowns anymore is, I ate them.

Creepy clowns make good meals. Haven’t you ever had creepy clown fried ears or creepy clown nose tacos? There’s creepy clown buttered feet and creepy clown toe nuggets. The list goes on.

I pulled Pennywise right out of the storm drain and threw him on the grill. Barbecued creepy clown is amazing, especially if you use Open Pit Original.

I have a few recipes if anyone’s interested.


I don’t always share links, but when I do it’s because something excellent is about to happen.

Earlier today, I was remembering a time when I was in eighth grade. Some rock band put on a thing for the school in the gym. They took Lee Freeland and Mr. Holmes and dressed them up like Bill and Ted. It was interesting to see Mr. Holmes, a teacher who I had thought was a walking stiff, act all mellow and cool in his role as Ted.

Guess I was remembering this, because yesterday my Shipt shopper recognized me from school. That brought forward memories from that time.

Just another observation

A  lot of people who say they  will stand up against Nazis  are often expressing the same views that Nazis do.  I wonder if they really know what a Nazi is and what it means to be a Nazi. It seems that they would carry out the same acts as Nazis, as long as they’re not calling themselves Nazis.