Auto and Semi-auto

This isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. I just want to talk about it, because I keep encountering people who don’t know the difference between an automatic weapon and a semi-automatic weapon.

An automatic weapon fires multiple rounds per trigger pull.

A semi-automatic weapon fires one round per trigger pull.

Automatic weapons are Military hardware and, I think, the police have them too. I think most modern Military infantry rifles have selective fire, which means they can be set for automatic, three-round burst or semi-automatic.

Since the Reagan years, it’s illegal to sell automatic weapons to civilians. Some people own them, but they were likely purchased before the ban.

I don’t mind that automatic weapons aren’t available to civilians. I see automatic weapons as wastes of ammo. Firing multiple rounds per trigger pull, you probably missed your target a few times.

I’m also fine with the idea of outlawing kits, bump stocks and whatever else that can make a semi-automatic fire as a full-auto. I had thought these things were already illegal, but then I was hearing that they’re not. So, I guess they’re legal. Which doesn’t make sense. If there’s already a ban on automatic weapons, why then are you allowed to convert your semi-auto to a full-auto?

Again, this isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. It’s just what I was thinking about this morning.

Something Random

I’ve been on the fence about whether I’m ready to crawl out from under my rock and get back into blogging daily about whatever random thing happens to be on my mind. I don’t feel ready. My long withdrawal has me feeling like I’m climbing a steep hill just to write this entry. Chances are, once I post the entry, I’ll then want to take it down and crawl back under my rock.

“So, Wob, how’s stuff?”

I’m glad you asked. Stuff has been, meh. Usually when people ask me that sort of question, including “How are you?” I just shrug because I don’t fucking know. I don’t like to say “Good!” unless it feels entirely true, and don’t like to say “Bad!” for the same reason. I’m usually in the middle of good and bad,  But to say “In between” would just confuse people and to explain beyond that might get too wordy.

“Gweat! So, whatchu been up to, Wob?”

That’s an easier question to answer. I’ve been doing what I always do. Productivity is up. Been watching The Walking Dead on Sunday nights and I checked out the new series on AMC. The Terror. It’s interesting so far.

“What about Woseanne, huh? They webooted the show.”

I did watch Roseanne last night. Don’t really have any complaints, but I thought the actors were a little rusty. I don’t know what they’ve done since the shows first run ended in 1997, but I had the impression that it’s been a while since any of them had any major acting roles.

Roseanne was one of my favorite shows when I was growing up and I’m pleased that the show was rebooted. It’s like reconnecting with old friends after twenty years. I was surprised when I got on Facebook today and saw posts from left-leaning friends declaring their desire to not watch the show, because they don’t like Roseanne Barr’s positions on political and social issues.

I admit, I didn’t know about Roseanne Barr’s politics until I saw these posts. But after watching last night’s episodes, I thought it would be far right wingers voicing disgust about the show. It’s my understanding that it was Sara Gilbert who put the reboot together, not Roseanne Barr, and I’m under the impression that Gilbert  is the one calling the shots, but I could be wrong.

“Wob, what about NCAA Basketball?”

I am following the Madness. Michigan’s in the Final Four, that game will be Saturday night. Very exciting. On the side, baseball is back. The Tigers just finished Spring Training and their first regular season game is tomorrow in Detroit at 1 PM, Vs the Pirates. But the Tigers have a new team this year and it might take time getting used to that.


I don’t like politicians who lean too far to the right or too far to the left. Conservative and liberal politics can both be dangerous, depending on how far you take them. I think a good politician is one who can balance both sides and not take either to the extreme.


On January 1, I started a workout program. Every day, I go down to basement and punch my heavy bag and speed bag. It’s not much, I admit. But it seems to be the only exercise I really enjoy. I get bored with most other forms of exercise. I used to have a weight bench and I lifted regularly. After my last hernia, I decided not to lift weights anymore and got rid of the bench.

I had the punching bags for years, but I didn’t use them as much as I should have. Today is January 31 and I just finished my workout, so I have not missed a single day since the new year started.

It’s gotten too easy to complete my workout sessions. So, starting tomorrow, because it’s the beginning of a new month, my workout sessions will last longer. I plan to add more time every month.

I might include a treadmill or exercise bike at some point, but that remains to be seen.

In A Shithole

I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.

I cannot find my fidget spinner.
I cannot find my fidget spinner.
I cannot find my fidget spinner.
I cannot find my fidget spinner.

I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.

I cannot find my fidget spinner.
I cannot find my fidget spinner.
I cannot find my fidget spinner.
I cannot find my fidget spinner.


I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.
I’m in a shithole eating Tide pods.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling

Hogwarts reminds me of Michigan School for the Deaf. Students living at the school and sleeping in the dormitory is one thing. But that’s not all of it.

At MSD, there were students from all-deaf families. Their parents were deaf, their siblings were deaf, their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins were deaf. Several students who were my age had older or younger brothers and sisters at the school. And some of their parents worked at the school. So, yeah, I saw some pure deaf families.

And there were students who came from hearing families. I haven’t personally experienced this, but I heard that some of the students from the all-deaf families didn’t like it that deaf students from hearing families attended the school.

We see that attitude in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second book of J.K. Rowling‘s Harry Potter series.

Harry returns to Hogwarts for his second year of witchcraft and wizardry studies. This year, he learns an ugly term, mudblood, which is a reference to wizards and witches who come from Muggle families. The term is usually voiced by those from pureblood wizarding families, who are bigots toward the Muggle-born.

Well, the Chamber of Secrets was another fun book. It was quite funny in places, too. I laughed a lot while reading this one.

An Old Picture

My friend Megan found an old picture of me in the 1997 Michigan School for the Deaf yearbook. I didn’t know this picture existed. I didn’t get a yearbook that year, nor did I have my class picture taken. Nice to know I was still in the yearbook. Think I look good in this picture.