Stopping Production

Started a new story today, two pages/376 words into it. It’s an outdoor-themed story, about fishing. I might get in more writing later tonight. The Tigers and Mets will be on in a few minutes. I’ve been making it a point to stop production and watch the games.

Gonna get out the potato chips and pop, and just plop on the couch for the next couple hours. If that’s okay with you.

First Series Ends with a Sweep

The Tigers just swept the White Sox. That was our first series of the regular season. Each game was close, but Tigers won them all.

Now we go from Chicago to New York, where we’ll face the Mets.

Though I don’t really celebrate Easter, I’m using the holiday as an excuse to take it easy and I’m doing only a few things around the house today.

Rolling On

The MLB regular season has started. Tigers had their first game Thursday and their second game today, against the White Sox. Tigers won both games. They did very well in Spring Training, finishing second in the Grapefruit League. I hope they do that well in the regular season.

Yesterday was bright and sunny, today is gloomy and overcast.

Though I didn’t get to bed until 7:30 AM last night, I got up before noon today and I’m highly motivated. Rushing around the house, getting shit done.

Rock Shirts

I dig my new AC/DC shirt. It was a birthday gift from my friend Melanie. Coincidentally, my mom and dad got me a Led Zeppelin shirt. I always was wandering between Heaven and Hell.

I finished another story tonight. 26 pages, 5,837 words. Mostly decent draft and won’t require much fixing up.

Livin’ easy, livin’ free,
Sure all that glitters is gold.
Askin’ nothin’, leave me be,
If the stores are all closed….

The Art of War, by Sun Tzu


Given the information I found on Sun Tzu, I’m pretty much among those who say he probably never existed. But here’s my review of the book he supposedly wrote.

I’ve heard much mention of Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. People have talked about this book like it’s a useful tool for all aspects of life. I figured it was time to read the book for myself.

I never imaged it was such a short book. Much of what it says isn’t things I haven’t thought of before. I did not see much that I would apply to everyday life situations.

I can see this book as being something a soldier might want on hand, as a confirmation of what he already knows. It might even be useful to a football or rugby coach.

Unless you want to view every situation in your daily life as a competition, or you want to view every person you encounter as an enemy, or if you want to be a passive-aggressive dick, I don’t see this book being much use in everyday life.

For me, personally, as someone who often writes war stories, The Art of War, is helpful for that. It gave me a few ideas that I hadn’t thought about before, but that’s about it.

Not a bad book, just not really useful in all aspects of life, like some people claim. I certainly wouldn’t want to live my life by these instructions.

One of Our Spaceships is Missing, by Chris Gerrib

Okay, first things first. I know Chris Gerrib served in the U.S. Navy and I believe much of what he writes is drawn from his experiences in the Navy. So, do they have fuck parties in the U.S. Navy too, or is that just a Martian Navy thing? I’m deathly curious.

Anyway, One of Our Spaceships is Missing is an action-packed, fun to read, very thrilling novel. I was sucked in at the beginning and I stayed hooked until the end. I don’t think there was a dull moment in the entire novel.

When pirates hijack an interplanetary passenger liner that’s in route to Earth from Mars, the FBI, the USSF and the Martian Navy work together to rescue the ship and its passengers.

There are Point-of-View characters who are FBI, Martian Navy, pirate and hostage, and you get to see what’s happening with each group.

Really, it’s a great novel.


Like I call my favorite acoustic guitar Black Beauty, I decided I will call my bass guitar Silver. Though it is silver, I’m actually naming it after Benjamin Orr, who was The Cars’ bass player. When Benjamin Orr died, Ric Ocasek wrote a song about him called “Silver”.