The Darkness

These are dark days. Everyday, I see how the darkness is spreading and becoming more firm, solidifying. Yet, I’ve been mostly silent about it.

It’s not that I don’t care and it’s not that I’m ignoring it. It’s just that I don’t know what I can say that hasn’t already been said a million times, that hasn’t already been heard by everyone a million times.

There’s nothing I can say that’s going to change anyone’s mind. If you agree with me on an issue, it’s because you were always in agreement with me. If you disagree with me on an issue, you’ll never agree with me.

I could participate in the constant sharing of memes and articles on social media and insert messages like “See! See! Look stupids! Proof that you’re wrong!” But what good does that do when the only people who take your post seriously are the people who are already on your side.

To stop the darkness, you need to take real action. The word wars on social media will accomplish nothing.

Was Sick

I was strangely sick today. Had a pounding headache and threw up a couple times. Spent a lot of time in bed. My head is still a little numb, but I’m feeling better.

Not sure what made me sick. I haven’t drank in a few days and the porkchops I had yesterday were fine. I wonder if I inhaled too much smoke yesterday while burning yard waste.

Right now, all I want is soup. I don’t have any and I don’t feel like asking for a ride. So, guess I’m going to hit


Burned sticks and leaves yesterday. Still have a lot to burn, but it snowed overnight and everything’s wet today.

I looked at that kettle more closely. All I see on the bottom is a T. Don’t think it means anything. While I’m hearing that people used the exact model generations ago, it was also pointed out to me that the exact model can still be bought at Target for $24.99. 

But even if mine is a true antique, it has some rust on it and I don’t think it’d be worth much. I don’t think I’d sell it anyway. It came with the house. It probably used to sit on the woodstove that’s no longer there.

Two people had stories about kettles like mine, and they both said theirs were always on their wood/coal stoves.