‘Twas a Good Day to Hunt

It was cold and snow covered everything. This morning my dad cut down the tree, or cluster of trees that were blocking my shot. Now I can set the bait by the Bat Shack across the way. See the Before picture to understand how those trees were blocking my shot.

The woods along the outside of this clearing, that’s where the deer usually came from. So, facing this way, I might see them before they enter the clearing.

I didn’t see anything yesterday or today, but I’m sure some deer will come along before the season ends.

My cousin Anthony suggested I leave a note for the trespasser. Here it is.

It says:

Dear Goldilocks,

I would rather you didn’t use my tower, but I know some guys are desperate for a place to hunt. If you can’t resist trespassing onto my territory to use my tower when I’m not here, please close the windows and the door when you’re done hunting. I don’t want to climb up here one day and have a bird fly in my face.

Three Bears

If you could leave beer by the feed can under the tower, I would be very grateful.


No Writing Tonight

Guess I’m not getting in any writing tonight. I’m tired and I want to be up early tomorrow. I’m thinking about using my old break-action 20-gauge tomorrow morning instead of the 12-gauge pump-action. Because until I get that tree cut down, the farthest I can place the bait in that direction is 20 yards out, and that might too close for the powerful scope on my 12-gauge.

If Goldilocks would stop using my tower, that’d be great

I didn’t hunt today, but I went out to my hunting ground with 100ft tape measure, because I wanted a better idea of how far from my tower I could place my bait and expect to get a clean kill. I want to place my bait between 50 and 75 yards from the tower. 50 and 75 yards is pretty far for me. The deer I killed before were no farther than 50 yards.

During the bow season, I mostly faced the field. For the firearm season, I’d like to face the other way. I’d be looking toward the Bat Shack and the edge of the woods. Unfortunately, there’s a tree that would block my shot. It’s not a big tree, but it has branches that would be in the way. I’ll probably cut the tree down tomorrow.

I haven’t gotten out that much during the bow season, and I haven’t made it out at all in the morning. My hunting times have been from around noon to sundown. I always close the windows and the door when I’m done hunting for the day.

A couple times when I went out, I found the front window wide open, the door wide open and the side window opened a little. Such was the case today. Also, I had a big piece of cardboard on the floor, so that when I sat something down, it wouldn’t make noise on the steel grate. The cardboard was gone today.

So, yeah, I think someone’s been using my tower, probably in the mornings.

Look, I’m sorry you don’t have a place of your own to hunt, but this ground is mine. No one is allowed to hunt on this ground without my permission. Now, I can invite anyone I want to hunt on my ground, but I did not invite you.

If I’m right about Goldilocks invading my hunting ground in the morning, he’ll get a surprise tomorrow. I plan to be out there very early. Tomorrow is opening day for firearms.


Firearm season starts Thursday. My dad’s letting me use his powerful rifle scope again. Got it sighted today.

When I shot my deer last year, the scope hit me in the head and I had to get seven stitches above my right eye. But I figured out that happened because when I was trying to get a clear view through the scope, I pulled my head back and that caused my shoulder to move back from the stock.

This year, we moved the scope mount forward an inch and that really makes a difference. Now in order to get a clear view through the scope, I have to really tuck the stock into my shoulder, very tightly and almost painfully, and the gun doesn’t recoil at all when fired.

This will be my first season with the new slug barrel on my Mossberg 500. I reckon it’ll make a difference in accuracy and I’m going to take long shots.

And Friday

I keep tiring out early.

I chose my home insurance today, and got the quote to the lender. State Farm will be my insurance company. Their quote is higher than the others I was considering, but I felt I would be most comfortable with State Farm.

I’m going to bed as soon as I transfer a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.