Twas the bottom of the 10th, two outs and two strikes, a man on first and second, when Brandon Dixon’s home run broke the tie and won the game for Detroit.
Democrats see Republicans as bullies, but don’t acknowledge that Democrats are bullies too. Republicans see Democrats as crybabies, but don’t acknowledge that Republicans are crybabies too.
Both parties have pros and cons. Neither is better than the other. If things keep going the way they’ve been, both parties will shoulder the blame for the death of America.

Even on the calmest days, a slight breeze will lift embers out of the fire ring. That always made me nervous. All the spark screens big enough for my fire ring were priced at around $150. But then I found one on Menards.com for $44.99, plus shipping. That’s the one you see here. I believe it’s just as good as the more expensive ones.

I just had my washer fixed a month ago. Now the dryer is broken down. It runs, but won’t dry the clothes. I’m watching YouTube videos to see if I can figure out how to fix it myself, but doubt I’ll be able to.
Bare Back Magazine bought my story “The Music Man and the Dream” for their July 2019 issue. This is my second sale to them.
Also sold some spruce trees today.
Just wrapped up the first draft of a new novella. It’s a fantasy set in the early 1700s. Has to do with sailing and pirates. This draft is 102 pages and 22,299 words. I’m going to let it sit for a while, and then I’ll start the edit process.
I’m still working on the medieval themed epic fantasy novel from fifteen years ago. I now have 571 pages and 114,982 words. I try to work on it every day, but sometimes that doesn’t happen.