I was watching as the election results came in last night, but at around 11:30 PM, they were still counting and I was getting tired. So, I went to bed. I woke up at 2:30, went into the living room and turned on the TV. I was just in time to see the final states wrap it up and the headline informing us that Clinton called Trump.
Donald Trump will be our next president. Even though I did not support Clinton in this election, I would feel better if she had won. But she didn’t. Trump is the president elect.
We have a two party system. That means there’s always going to be a tug of war between the two parties. It’s always going to be a back and forth motion. Democrats are not always going to win and Republicans are not always going to win. And it can only be one or the other, according to this bullshit two-party system.
It really shouldn’t be a big surprise that Trump will be our next president. We’ve been going back and forth between Republicans and Democrats for the last several election circles.
Let’s see….
George H. W. Bush (Rep), served a four year term. When was that? Late 80’s-early 90’s, right?
Bill Clinton (Dem), served two four-year terms, through the rest of the 90’s.
George W. Bush (Rep), served eight years, 2001-2009, right?
Barack Obama (Dem), served eight years.
Donald Trump (Rep), will begin his presidency in 2017.
Do you see this fucking back and forth motion. It’s practically predictable. It’s going to keep happening because there’s no more options. It’s always got to be one of those two, one of those two, ONE OF THOSE TWO! Always!
It’s not always going to be your candidate and it’s not always going to be their candidate.
This two party system is the real problem in our country. That’s how I see it.
Yes, I am concerned about what a Trump presidency will mean for all of us. I could continue on about that, but John Scalzi said pretty much what I’m thinking, so I’m just going to link you to his post.
I find comfort in Scalzi’s last paragraph: “But at the end of that time, I hope you come back to us. Looking at the numbers as they stand right now, Trump won by just about 300,000 votes Clinton got at least 100,000 more votes than Trump out of about 120 million individual votes cast. There’s a lot of us who will stand with you, when you’re ready to stand again with us. There’s work to be done over the next four years and beyond. We need to get to it.”
Also, my friend Jackie said this a couple weeks ago: “No matter which candidate wins neither of them is going to be as big a disaster as their detractors make them out to be nor as wonderful as their supporters think they are.” I’d like to believe that. I hope she’s spot on.
As I said before, I voted Libertarian because I feel the Libertarian Party takes what I value from both sides and puts it together. The two major parties make me feel like I’ll have to give something up, something that I very much want to keep. The Libertarian Party does not make me feel that way.
I’m not proud that our country elected Trump, but I am proud of my Libertarian vote.
I posted this on Facebook shortly after the final results came in. So, you might not see me around there for a while, if ever again. I haven’t decided yet.