Beer Experiment

Welcome back to Rob’s Bar. Last time, we conducted an experiment and found that when you mix Miller Lite and Coors Light together in one big beer mug, you will, in fact, summon Kid Rock. Tonight, we’re gonna find out what happens when you mix Miller Lite, Coors Light and Bud Light together in one… big… beer mug.

Cake and Turkey

As insane an idea as it might be, I been thinking to try making a cake from a scratch, for the first time ever. I don’t know what kind of cake I oughta make, though. Anyone got a recipe they think I should try?

Also, been wanting to cook another turkey, but haven’t found one bigger than 8.5 lbs. The one I cooked was 14.51 lbs. That sucker fed me for four days and didn’t cost more than 20 bucks.

We Love Detroit!

I sat through both games of the doubleheader. Tigers won the first game, but lost the second game. By one run in the bottom of the 9th.

So, that ends the winning streak.

I’m pleased by how well the Tigers started their season. With a five-game winning streak. I don’t remember when they last did that. I feel like this is going to be a good season for the Tigers. That they’ll have far more wins than losses this year.

Now we go from New York to DETROIT!!! for the Tigers’ first home game of the season.

We 🤎 Detroit!


Despite being really fucking tired today, I’m getting a shitload done, and quickly too. It’s not even dark yet and I’m almost done for the day.

Tonight’s game was postponed too. Tigers and Mets are going to have a doubleheader tomorrow, unless those are postponed as well.

It’s kinda warm outside, but wet. Sky is overcast.

I’m really liking the story I’m writing. I feel like the main character is teaching me something about humanity that I’m too dumb to learn on my own.



Good Lord, is it raining tonight or what? I went out to check my mail a little while ago and got soaked. Guess it’s about the same in New York, ’cause the Tiger-Met game is postponed. Maybe it’s a good thing, though. The team has been playing hard and probably could use a day of rest.

Tigers won last night. There were a few surprises in the 10th, after nine scoreless innings. So, now they have 4 wins and 0 losses since the season started.

I’m having a slow day, but I’m determined to not surrender.