I love the Detroit Lions, but sheesh….

Oh, man, what a season. YAY!!! The curse continues.

That’s right. Whatever curse the Detroit Lions have been dubbed with, it ain’t lifted yet. Was there someone from Ancient NFL who declared the Lions will never make it to the Super Bowl because he was pissed off about being cut from the roster or traded to another team? Like Babe Ruth did when the Red Sox traded him to the Yankees?

I don’t know, but every season we see the Lions miss the mark. Some seasons are better than others. Once in a while the Lions will be having a season that looks so good, we dare to think that “Hey, this just might be the year they break the curse and set foot on Super Bowl turf.” Those are seasons that are exciting, they get your blood pumped. At least you got hope, even though it always gets dashed in the playoffs.

But this season ain’t one of the seasons of high hopes. No, it’s quite far from that. The Lions are currently at 1-7. Amazing that they managed to beat the Chicago Bears. But all the other games are losses and I’m not expecting a dramatic change for the remaining eight games. I mean, it would sure be impressive if they suddenly turned everything around and won all of the remaining games. But the way things are going, they might win one more game and lose the rest. Either way, the season is already blown.


Denard Robinson with the Jacksonville Jaguars

I’m happy that Denard Robinson has found a home in the NFL. Since the college football season ended, I had been wondering where Robinson would go. I’d hoped it would be Lions, but that was a matter of decisions to be made by both Robinson and the team.

Come football season, I will watch the Jaguars when I can, just so I can see Robinson play. As I understand it, he won’t be a quarterback, but will most likely play as a running back. And that’s cool. It was his rushing that I loved most when he was Michigan’s quarterback. So as a running back for the Jaguars, he’ll be making a lot of rushing plays. Yeah, he made some nice passes as a quarterback and I will miss those, but at least he’s still playing football.

In sports, I’m a fan of a few teams. The Detroit Tigers, the Detroit Lions and the Michigan Wolverines are my favorite teams. But it’s usually just the teams that I’m a fan of. There are some players who I like a great deal, but I wouldn’t say I’m fan of theirs. Most of the time I can’t keep the names of the players straight. But Denard Robinson is an exception. I plan to follow his professional career. It’s my belief that he will be a benefit for every team he plays on.