I should’ve turned my phone a little to the left, so the sign on the post would be in the picture. Anyway, my uncle Ron recently opened this restaurant at 2602 Davison Rd. Flint, Michigan. Maude’s Alabama BBQ was named in my grandma’s honor.
It’s a small takeout restaurant, but there are counters and stools along the windows for those who would like to eat there. My dad and I stopped in today. I had a Maude’s All-American Burger and fries and I really enjoyed them. I think next time I’ll try the Southern Fried Catfish Sandwich.
They have several choices on their menu, which you can see on the website, maudesalabamabbq.com. You can place your orders online or call 810 875 9984. There’s even a drive-thru window.
Check ’em out.
I bought this Ibanez black beauty from the pawn shop under my apartment, seventeen years ago. For the last few years, she’d been at my brother’s house. He’d needed an acoustic and I wasn’t playing much anymore, so I let him take her. My brother recently got a brand new acoustic, so he gave mine back to me. I decided not to keep her in the attic. She gets her own place in the living room.

I think the hardest thing about this mound is it was covered with layers of little white rocks and an ancient tarp. I also pulled out a hard rubber half ring. I moved out all the big rocks, but I’m still finding small rocks.

My brother and I got the trees dug up. I got home a few hours ago and resumed flattening the mound around the well. Still not done, but it’s looking better.
I think this is my fifth beer.

I fixed the lawnmower. It wouldn’t start, but it’s running great now I texted my dad pictures of the motor as I took it apart and he told me what I needed to do. If I’d had a system like this when I was growing up, I might’ve learned to fix a lot of stuff.
I just finished mowing the front yard.