Jeremy spoke in class today

Okay, it’s 12:30 AM. Although I keep telling myself I’ll stay up all night if I have to, and although I did do that a few times recently, I don’t really want my wake and sleep times getting shifted. I get depressed if I’m waking up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon because I stayed up till 5 or 6 in the morning. Besides, I’m burned out. So, I’m calling it a night.

I did get work into both projects. Got another five pages into the short story. The short story is now 16 pages and 3,323 words. I’ve been good about getting five pages into a short story. Been pulling it off almost daily.

The novel. Again, I didn’t get what I aimed for, but I got in a few more pages. So, I’m on page 67 in the novel now and the total wordcount is 13,923.

My brain feels like mush. I’m just going to watch a movie, and then go to bed.

Same Old Situation

Writing a brand new short story. Two pages in so far,. I want five pages before I stop on the short story for the day, and then I’ll want ten pages on the novel. Want to get it all done by midnight. Let’s see if I can.
Of course, I got music blaring. Music helps the words flow from my mind to my fingers, which are hammering away on the keyboard.
Got one more page to go on the short story. Think I’ll just finish it and go to bed. Tomorrow I’ll try to start earlier.