I hate writing biographies. I don't have shit to say in a biographical format. Everything I think of is too boring or too personal to share in a biography, but my site would not be complete without one.
I want to tell you about the crazy undercover missions I do for the CIA, but you wouldn't believe me. If I told you about my professional baseball career or the success I enjoy as a musician, you would call me a liar.
I love baseball, very much, and other sports, too. My favorite teams are the Detroit Tigers, the Detroit Lions, the Detroit Pistons, the Detroit Red Wings and the Michigan Wolverines. There are not many days that my TV isn't tuned to some game or another.
I love music, different kinds, but rock is a favorite and it's what usually blasts from my speakers. Though I write about all kinds of things, in multiple genres, my favorite projects are international conspiracy thrillers.
There's more, but I hate writing biographies.